Innovation Resources For Business

A world-class research institution is a valuable resource for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. Whether you are looking to expand your research and development capacity, build your workforce resources in critical areas, investigate a new technology or market trend, or are looking for bespoke professional development for your teams, the University of Memphis Division of Research and Innovation is here to help. Below are samples of the types of engagements that the Division has piloted with companies.

Professional and Workforce Development Opportunities

The Division of Research and Innovation is able to provide bespoke professional development opportunities in any required skill sets. With options for rapid roll-out of certificate training to build skills today, the cultivation of degree programs and graduate certificates for long term workforce solutions, and third party service and support options to provide students with exposure to your industry today, we can build the program that solves your professional and workforce development solutions today.

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Custom Research Collaborations

Do you have an invention or product that needs testing, a new technology that you want to investigate, or other specific research that you don't have the capacity to investigate? The University of Memphis provides research services that can help companies get to market in a new area more quickly and grow the research capacity for campus. We are here to help you find a faculty collaborator and make the process as easy as possible.

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Become the Flagship for Innovation in Your Industry

The FedEx Institute of Technology was established to help lead emerging technology innovation, but this is just the start of a new type of relationship. If your company wants to cement there role as a leader in a respective industry, the University of Memphis will work with you to establish an interdisciplinary research cluster that brings faculty from across the country together to solve the problems that are most pressing to your company and the industry you work in.

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UMRF Research Park

The University of Memphis serves as a hub for innovation in the region. In support of the intersection of business and research, we are developing resources for companies to base operations in the district. Find out how your company can become a resident of a new chapter in innovation for Memphis

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