Contact Us

The Team at the Division of Research & Innovation is here to help. Email us at research@memphis.edu, or reach out to our team below.

Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal
Executive Vice President for Research & Innovation
Executive Director, FedEx Institute of Technology
Phone: 901.678.1618
E-mail: jdhaliwl@memphis.edu


FedEx Institute of Technology is an advanced technology and research organization that serves as the front door to the research infrastructure and innovation capabilities of the University of Memphis. It functions as a catalyst for interdisciplinary research and innovation in emerging technologies by supporting cross-campus research innovation clusters. The Institute is also home to the University's intellectual property and patent repository, which is the focal point of technology transfer and licensing operations. The Institute, working with faculty researchers, enjoys a unique innovation partnership with FedEx, which sponsors the Institute for advanced research purposes. The Institute is the central hub for efforts to maintain a cutting-edge innovative environment in the Mid-South region and offers training and collaboration opportunities in emerging technologies and related breakthrough concepts. FIT 303

Mary Ann Dawson
Director, Operations & Technology Initiatives
Phone: 901.678.1592
E-Mail: mdawson@memphis.edu

Dr. Hai Trieu
Director, Intellectual Property
Phone: 901.678.1712
E-Mail: hhtrieu@memphis.edu

Jordin Howell
Graphic Designer, Social Media & Marketing
Phone: 901.678.1596
E-Mail: jmhwell3@memphis.edu

Ido Sarig
Director, Technology Commercialization
Phone: 901.678.1712
E-Mail: isarig@memphis.edu 

Vickie Middleton
Business Officer I
Phone: 901.678.3077
E-Mail: vlmddltn@memphis.edu


Research Development focuses on increasing institutional research competitiveness through targeted capacity building, partnership and interdisciplinary team development, and proposal development assistance activities. This team manages limited competition proposals, large-scale or center proposals, and career development proposals. ADMIN BLDG 315

Dr. Cody Behles
Executive Director, Research Development and Innovation

Phone: 678.2648
E-Mail: cbehles@memphis.edu

Dr. Brian Evans
Assistant Director, Strategic Research Initiatives
Phone: 678.4247
E-Mail: bevans8@memphis.edu

Dr. Nichole Saulsberry-Scarboro
Director, Innovative Nonprofit and Foundation Engaged Research
Phone: 678.2785
E-Mail: tnslsbrr@memphis.edu

Dr. Adrienne Cooper
Director, Capacity Research Equity Opportunity Program
Phone: (870)270-4076
E-Mail: tcoper13@memphis.edu 

Dustie Flowers
Coordinator, Proposal Management & Professional Development
Phone: 901.678.4273
E-Mail: dgflwers@memphis.edu


Pre-Award Services: The Office of Pre-Award is a service office that reports to the Executive Vice President for Research & Innovation. Pre-Awards serves faculty and staff, in every academic discipline and research area, pursuing research or other sponsored projects funded by federal, state, or private agencies and organizations. Personnel are committed to furthering the University's vision as a great metropolitan research university by assisting faculty in identifying funding opportunities, preparing grant proposals, securing institutional approval for proposals, and submitting proposals for funding. This office also manages several programs to ensure compliance with federal, state, and institutional regulations. ADMIN BLDG 315

Dr. Terrice Watson

Assistant Vice President, Research Admin Compliance (Pre/Post Award Services)
Phone: 901.678.5133
E-mail: twnfield@memphis.edu

Makeda Porter

Associate Director, Pre-Award Services
Phone: 901.678.3507
E-mail: mmporter@memphis.edu

Jarvis Payne
Research Coordinator

Phone: 901.678.8232
E-Mail: jpayne8@memphis.edu

Dr. Keith Sisson
Research Contracts Administrator
Phone: 901.678.2625
E-Mail: ksisson@memphis.edu

Veronica Hart
Research Administrator
Phone: 901.678.4896
E-Mail: vhart1@memphis.edu

Yuelin Zhu
Research Administrator
Phone: 901.678.3574
E-Mail: yzhu6@memphis.edu


Post-Award Services: The Office of Post-Award Services focuses on the post-award life cycle of research administration. The office aims to ensure fiscal and regulatory compliance in the university’s post-award research administration processes and activities. Whatever stage of the post-award life cycle award may be, Post-Award Services is here to assist the university’s research community by reviewing and interpreting university, sponsor, and federal level policies, procedures, and guidelines and the application to daily activities of active, new, and continuing awards. ADMIN BLDG 265

Linda Heide
Director, Post-Award Services
Phone:  901.678.4769
E-mail:  lheide@memphis.edu
DeSha Bolden
Associate Director, Post-Award Services
Phone: 901.678.3719
E-mail: dmblden1@memphis.edu
Natalie Butler

Grants and Contracts Specialist II
Phone: 901.678.3822
E-mail: ntdavis@memphis.edu

Brenda Chism

Research Accountant 1
Phone: 901.678.3825
E-mail: brenda.chism@memphis.edu

Michelle Collins
Grants and Contracts Specialist II
Phone:  901.678.3818
E-mail:  mcllins3@memphis.edu
Barbara Dixon
Grants and Contracts Specialist II
Phone:  901.678.4972
E-mail:  bdixon3@memphis.edu
Mattie Haynes
Research Support Analyst
Phone:  901.678.0880
Glinda King
Grants and Contracts Specialist II
Phone:  901.678.3834
E-mail:  gfking1@memphis.edu

Monica Wilson
Grants and Contracts Specialist II

Phone: 901.678.3265
E-Mail: mwlson11@memphis.edu


Research Compliance encompasses work with human subjects (IRB), animals (IACUC), financial conflict of interest, export controls, research misconduct, and responsible conduct of research. This team works with our faculty and student researchers to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, laws, and University policies.  


Ricky L.A. Tan
Associate Director, Research Compliance

Phone: 901.678.4272
E-Mail: altan@memphis.edu

Phenecia Turner
Administrative Associate II, Research Compliance
Phone: 901.678.2705
E-Mail: pturner2@memphis.edu

Ellen Whelan
Administrator, Research Compliance 
Phone: 901.678.5985
E-Mail: evwhelan@memphis.edu

Kelly Watson
Manager, Research Compliance 
Phone:  901.678.6422
E-mail:  kwtson10@memphis.edu



Animal Care and Use Program is responsible for the regulatory and veterinary oversight of all research activities involving animals within the Institution. 

Donny Ray
Associate Director, Animal Care Facilities
Phone: 901.678.4842
E-Mail: donnyray@memphis.edu
Jaela Clark
Animal Care Technician, Animal Care Facilities
Phone: 901.678.4330
E-Mail: jdclark8@memphis.edu
Shakir Crawford
Animal Care Technician, Animal Care Facilities
Phone: 901.678.4330
E-Mail: scrwfr13@memphis.edu
Alicia Morquecho
Lead Animal Care Technician, Animal Care Facilities
Phone: 901.678.4330
E-Mail: mrquecho@memphis.edu