Laptops For International Travel


This document explains the process surrounding laptops for foreign travel by faculty and staff. Laptops are available in response to the requirement of National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM-33) which contains the following:

Foreign travel security. Agencies should require that research organizations maintain international travel policies for faculty and staff traveling for organization business, teaching, conference attendance, research purposes, or any offers of sponsored travel that would put a person at risk. Such policies should include an organizational record of covered international travel by faculty and staff and, as appropriate, a disclosure and authorization requirement in advance of international travel, security briefings, assistance with electronic device security (smartphones, laptops, etc.), and pre-registration requirements.

Different legal requirements between nations and the process of crossing international borders can frequently render typical security controls used to protect sensitive data unworkable. We recommend that travelers do not bring other university-owned laptops when travelling internationally in order to:

  • Prevent the risk of data loss via laptop theft or confiscation from immigration officials
  • Mitigate exposure of the University of Memphis network to viruses/malware from potentially
  • Infected laptops
  • Limit the disclosure of confidential information
  • Comply with NSPM-33 requirements

Any of which may result in:

  • Personal and University of Memphis financial liability
  • Penalties from granting agencies

Traveler’s Responsibility

Travelers should become familiar with the destination country’s laws regarding data privacy, encryption and the search and seizure of electronic devices; and visit the U.S. State Department’s Alerts and Warnings web page to identify the risk level for countries that are on the travel itinerary.

Loaner Laptop Request Process

Scheduling a trip to specific countries will initiate the process to obtain a system designated for international travel. The Office of Research Compliance will be notified by travel software of the trip and will determine if the destination country requires a loaner system designated for international travel. The traveler will be notified by email by Research Compliance when their destination warrants a system designated for international travel.

The traveler’s departmental LSP will coordinate delivery of a university system to the traveler. At the time of delivery, the LSP will verify functionality of the laptop with the traveler and remind them that any data created on the laptop should be moved off the computer before returning it as any data stored on the laptop will be erased once returned. Upon return, the traveler will return the laptop to their departmental LSP.

Technical support while traveling will be handled by the departmental LSP.

We will attempt to accommodate emergency requests for a laptop the best we can.

Available Equipment

There are two configurations available:

  • 14” Dell Windows Laptop
  • 14” Apple MacBook


The following can be expected on a loaner machine - a fresh, standard configuration including:

  • Current supported version of Windows or Mac OS operating system
  • Current supported version of Microsoft Office Suite
  • Internet browsers
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • Login with strong password
  • Disk encryption
  • Antivirus protection
  • UOM wireless and eduroam
  • Any specialty software required can be delivered via Citrix
  • Absolute software for off-network security
  • Admin By Request

For Travel

  • Prior to departure, ensure that needed files are copied to OneDrive for access.
  • Files needed for offline access can be placed on an encrypted flash drive.
  • Process for encryption : https://us.norton.com/blog/how-to/encrypt-a-flash-drive.
  • Email should be performed through Outlook Web Access (OWA) - https://ummail.memphis.edu.
  • Travelers should connect to the university’s VPN whenever possible to secure their internet traffic.
  • If traveling to a member institution, travelers can connect using eduroam, a secure, federated wireless network for the international research and education community.
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