Submit a Report/Concern
The University of Memphis is committed to responding appropriately to concerns and complaints. Please use this site to inform the appropriate department of the issue, find University resources, and connect local crisis resources.
In an emergency situation, University Police Services (901.678.4357) or local law enforcement (9-1-1) should be contacted prior to submitting a concern or complaint.
The forms linked on the left menu are available for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Community Members to submit information to the appropriate University office or official:
- Concerns regarding unusual behavior or distressed Students of Concern will be forwarded to the Dean of Students.
- General non-academic Student Misconduct will be forwarded to the Office of Student Accountability.
- Reports of Hazing will be forwarded to the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement and the Office of Student Accountability.
- Reports of Academic Student Misconduct will be forwarded to the Office of Student Accountability.
- Complaints about Sexual Misconduct, including Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Domestic/Dating Violence are investigated by the Office for Institutional Equity.
- Complaints of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation are investigated by the Office for Institutional Equity.
Please note that confidential resources are available on campus and in our local community for students wishing to remain confidential while also seeking assistance:
Memphis Campus
- University Counseling Center,, 214 Wilder Tower, 901.678-2068,
- University Student Health Center,, 901.678.2287
- Shelby County Rape Crisis Center,, 901.222.4350
- Family Safety Center,, 901.800.6064
- Memphis Crisis Center,, 901.274.7477
-, 1.855.437.3486
Lambuth Campus
- Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program,, 1.800.273.8712