During the waitlisting period, if a course section is full, students can add themselves to a waitlist. Students will be notified via email if a space opens up for them, and then they will need to register themselves in the section.
Waitlisting begins once registration opens, and it is available to students through the day before classes begin for the term. The night before classes begin, waitlisting will be turned off, and all waitlist records will be purged. Be advised that waitlisting for 2nd part of term courses will also be turned off at that time and will not continue up until 2nd part of term.
Students should complete the following.
- If a course section is full, join the waitlist.
- Login to the myMemphis portal. On the Student page, select the Registration and Records tile. Then select the Register for Classes (add or drop classes) link.
- Add the section so that it appears in the Summary panel.
- In the Summary panel, from the Action dropdown, select Waitlisted next to the section.
- Click Submit.
Note: For sections that are full, there will be a message that the section is closed, along with the number of students on the waitlist. If a space is available but is being held for someone on the waitlist, there will be a message that the section is open but reserved for waitlisted students. - Check University email account.
- An email from the Registrar’s Office will be sent to the student at the top of the waitlist as soon as a space opens in the section.
- Students are advised to check their University of Memphis email account frequently,
including junk folders.
- Register in the course.
- Students will have 24 hours from the time a space opens to complete registration.
- Login to the myMemphis portal. On the Student page, select the Registration and Records tile. Then select the Register for Classes (add or drop classes) link.
- In the Summary panel, from the Action dropdown, select Web Registered next to the section.
- Click Submit.
Leaving the Waitlist
If students decide they are no longer interested in a waitlisted course, they should remove themselves from the waitlist.
- Login to the myMemphis portal. On the Student page, select the Registration and Records tile. Then select the Register for Classes (add or drop classes) link.
- In the Summary panel, beside the section to be un-waitlisted, select Web Drop-Delete from the Action dropdown.
- Click Submit.
Waitlisting FAQs
It does not. A space will not only have to open up, but the student will need to have moved to the top of the waitlist to be eligible for the space. Students are advised to still look for alternatives to courses they are waitlisted for.
No. When a space becomes available, a student will need to login to myMemphis and register for the course. Refer to the Process section on this page for additional information.
A notification email will be sent to a student’s UofM email account as soon as a space opens for the course, so students should check their official University email frequently (including junk folders).
Students will have 24 hours to register for the space. No extensions will be granted, even if the registration system is down for several hours due to technical issues or maintenance. As such, students should not wait until time is about to expire to make a decision.
Students can view their spot on their waitlist via the Schedule Details tab in myMemphis (Student page, Register for Classes (add or drop) link, Schedule Details). Look for the Waitlist Position heading. (If the Waitlist Position heading is not visible, use the arrow beside the section to expand the section information.) If a student is listed as a “1”, that means that they are first in line if a spot were to open. If they see their space as a “0”, that means that not only are they are the top of the list but that a space is available and that they have been sent an email notification to let them know.
Yes! Students do have the option to waitlist for different sections of the same course and also for as many sections as they wish. However, we strongly encourage students to remove themselves from the waitlist for class sections that they are no longer interested in to make room for other students on the waitlist.
Students must meet all requirements of a course before they can add themselves to a waitlist, so this includes permit requirements, prerequisites, corequisites, level restrictions, etc. If a student would not have been able to register for the course, the student won’t be able to waitlist for that course.
Waitlisting will not be an option for linked lectures and labs.
They will not count towards enrolled hours; however, they will show on the myMemphis schedule but at zero credit hours. Students will not be billed for any waitlisted courses.