Grading Scale and GPA

In addition to the traditional A-B-C-D-F grades, instructors have the option of assigning several "+" and "-" grades as well. Instructors do not have to use +/- grading, and in some instances it may be their department's policy not to. Refer to your course syllabus.


  1. Only grading scales for undergraduate and graduate level courses are discussed here. For Law, refer to the Law School's Academic Regulations.
  2. An A+ is not worth any more quality points than an A. Though the "plus" does not increase quality points, it is not without value. If you intend to pursue graduate or professional school, any A+ on your transcript is likely to help your candidacy.
  3. UofM does not assign a "D-" grade.
  4. When you repeat a course, the first attempt is excluded from your Cumulative GPA, but your second attempt and subsequent attempts are used. For a fuller discussion of repeated courses, refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

    Important Change 
    Any transfer work posted before Summer 2015 and after Summer 2019 is applied to the Overall and Overall Combined GPA. From the Summer 2015 semester to the Summer 2019 semester, the University's repeat policy changed with regard to courses transferred to UofM: such courses were not used in calculating GPA. For more information, refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

  5. The "W" grade is not used in calculating GPA. (See "Grades Not Calculated in GPA" below.)

Calculating Your GPA

To calculate either your semester or overall GPA, determine the total number of Quality Points you earned in the period and divide this figure by total number of credit hours you attempted in courses for which grades of A+ through F were assigned.

Here are the Quality Point values assigned to standard letter grades awarded at UofM:

  • 4.00 for A+ or A
  • 3.84 for A-
  • 3.33 for B+
  • 3.00 for B
  • 2.67 for B-
  • 2.33 for C+
  • 2.00 for C
  • 1.67 for C-
  • 1.33 for D+
  • 1.00 for D
  • 0.00 for F

Be aware that the first attempts of courses that have been repeated are excluded from the cumulative (overall) GPA.

Repeated Courses and GPA

Most courses can be repeated. Learn the rules governing repeated courses and how repeats can affect your GPA by going to Repeated Courses and Your GPA.

Viewing Your GPA

You can view your current GPA by calling up your Academic Transcript (Unofficial Transcript).

Cumulative Statistics

Please note that the cumulative statistics you view online are always the current cumulative statistics. Even if you view a past term's grades, the cumulative statistics will be current through the last term you completed. For example, if you view Fall 2007 grades, the cumulative statistics shown with Fall 2007 will include any additional credits and grades earned during later semesters.

Lottery Scholarships (Undergraduates Only)

The GPA used to determine your continued eligibility for Lottery Scholarships is not the same as your UofM GPA. Your Lottery GPA can be lower because it takes into account all of your attempts at a particular course whereas your UofM GPA counts only the second and successive attempts at a course. Lottery rules allow only one repeated course to be deducted from the Lottery GPA calculation.

Also, you need to be aware that Lottery rules stipulate that "W" grades are figured into your Lottery Scholarship eligibility. Any course for which you receive a "W" grade is considered an attempted course for Lottery purposes. "W" grades are not used in calculating your Lottery GPA, but the "W" hours do count toward the maximum hours allowed by a Hope Lottery Scholarship.

Grading Scale in Individual Courses

The grading scale for each course (i.e., the number of points required in that course to earn an A, a B, etc.) is determined by the instructor and should appear in the instructor's course syllabus.

GPA Re-calculation by Other Schools/Services

Some professional evaluation services (e.g., AMCAS, LSDAS) and professional or graduate schools may re-calculate the grade point average according to their grading scale and guidelines.

Grades Not Calculated in GPA

  • AU (Audit) - You audited a course and met the instructor's standards for both attendance and class participation.

  • CR (Credit Received) - You satisfactorily completed a course taken on a credit/no-credit basis.

  • I (Incomplete) - You did not complete a course for a reason that was acceptable to the instructor. Effective Spring 2023, UG and GR students have one major term to complete their incomplete assignments when given an “I” grade ; otherwise, the grade changes to an "F". This policy does not apply to graduating seniors. Students graduating during the term in which the "I" grade is issued must adhere to graduation deadlines. Students will have three weeks after the commencement ceremony to have the final grade posted to the transcript.

  • IP (In Progress) - The "IP" grade is used in certain research courses to allow you time to complete projects, field work, etc. Most courses graded IP require you to re-enroll in the course the following term.

  • NC (No Credit) - The "NC" grade indicates you did not satisfactorily complete a course in which you had permission to register on a credit/no-credit basis.

  • S (Satisfactory) - The "S" grade is limited to certain types of courses (practicum, research, dissertation, etc.) approved for S/U grading.

  • SA (Satisfactory) - The "SA" indicates the satisfactory completion of a thesis, dissertation, or capstone project. It is assigned only for the final enrollment. The "IP" grade is assigned for all prior enrollments in such courses.

  • U (Unsatisfactory) - You did not satisfactorily complete your  S/U course (practicum, research, dissertation, etc.)

  • W (Withdrew) - You dropped (withdrew from) the class.
    A "W" does not affect your GPA. However, "W" grades can affect your continued Lottery Scholarship eligibility since they count toward the number of attempted hours allowed under the scholarship. Please read "Lottery Scholarships (Undergraduates Only)" above.

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