Late Add/Late Registration

Students can register themselves online for Spring 2025 full part of term through Monday, January 27. After web registration has closed on January 27, students may request to add or register by submitting a TigerHelp ticket. Instructor approval is required in order for the Registrar's Office to attempt registration. 

Spring 2025 Official Last Day to Register – January 31, 2025

After January 31, students will only be allowed to register or change their schedules for Spring 2025 classes due to extenuating circumstances and subject to review and approvals. (Students may register for second part of term classes after January 31, 2025.)


Students should complete the following.

  1. Request instructor approval.
    • Include course information (CRN, course, section, etc.) in the email to the instructor.

      Note - for TN eCampus courses (sections that start with R) only: Contact Mary Ewart at mewart@memphis.edu, who will make the decision whether or not to approve.

  2. Submit the TigerHelp request.
    • Login and select the Schedule Adjustment/Late Adds category.
    • Complete the fields and attach instructor approval for each course. An email that a permit has been entered is not instructor approval.

  3. Request permit(s) if necessary.
    • Students who need permit(s) will receive an email with information about requesting permits. The Registrar's Office cannot issue permits and cannot complete registration without necessary permits in place.

Students will receive an email from the Registrar's Office when registration has been completed.

Academic Standing and Late Registration

All students who are on probation or suspension and have not registered for any classes by the last day of the first week of classes will have a registration hold placed on their student account. Students on probation or suspension should contact the CARES Office (cares-staff@memphis.edu) about second part of term class offerings to ensure student success.

Late Registration Policy (per Undergraduate Academic Catalog)

The University of Memphis allows students to register themselves online during the regular registration period. Students may register late (new registrations and schedule adjustments) through the Friday before Census Day (14th day of the term). After this date, students will only be allowed to register or change their schedules due to extenuating circumstances and subject to reviews and approvals.

The dates and deadlines vary by semester and can be determined by consulting the appropriate semester within the Dates & Deadlines calendar of the University’s academic calendar. This policy only applies to students whose academic status is Good Standing or Academic Warning.

Students on Academic Probation, transferring on Probation, or returning from Academic Suspension, who are admitted to the University of Memphis but have not enrolled in classes, must be registered for classes prior to the first day of class. Research on the impact of registering late for classes has generally concluded that late registrants have higher course withdrawal rates, lower grade point averages, and lower retention rates. In an effort to retain students, improve academic success, and decrease the number of students placed on Academic Suspension, the University of Memphis recognizes that registering before classes begin is essential to promoting those goals.

Please see Academic Regulations in the UG academic catalog.

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