Credit by Exam

Enrolled/admitted students (undergraduate or graduate) may apply to take an examination to earn college credit, provided they are enrolled in a degree program (full-time or part-time). See a list of current credit by exam opportunities.

The University's regulations regarding Credit by Exam can be found in both the Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog.

Note to Graduate Students: The following instructions also apply to Course Validation.

Credit by Exam Requests

Requirements and Restrictions

  • Continuing Graduate students must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. 

  • Continuing Undergraduate students must have a 2.0 GPA (combined college level and remedial/developmental courses GPA). 

  • Newly admitted Graduate and Undergraduate students are also eligible for credit by exam.  They will have the credit earned by examination posted after enrollment.

  • Students must be in good academic standing to access the Credit by Exam/Course Validation online application.

  • Credit by examination cannot be earned for courses that have already been taken for credit. Credit by examination cannot be earned for TN eCampus courses. 

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