Class Offerings

Class offerings (aka, class listings) are published for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Search a semester's class offerings by choosing your own combination of selection criteria—subject area, credit hours, meeting days, meeting times, location, instructor, etc.

Admitted UofM applicants and current students should login to the myMemphis portal. Select the Registration and Records tile. Under Online Registration, use the Look Up Classes link. 

The general public should use the Class Schedule Search to view/search our available class offerings. No login is required.

Availability of Class Listings

Spring listings are published in mid-October; both Summer and Fall listings are published in mid-March. When a semester's listings are available, the term will appear (without the "View Only" restriction) in the term selection box in both the Class Schedule Search and Look Up Classes.


Per University policy, the University's curricula, course offerings, and course requirements are subject to revision.

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