Forms: Students

These forms allow you (students) to request changes to your academic program or class schedule and to control the release of your personal records.


Student Records


If you are looking for transcript request information, please visit Transcripts.

  • Excess Transcripts Request - Off-Campus Payment Form
    Use this form when mailing an off-campus request for more than 20 transcripts. You will be charged $5.00 for each transcript over 20 copies. Use this form to make your payment. Do not use this form if you intend to make your request at the Registrar's Office (003 Wilder Tower). A different payment form is available for you there.

  • Official Transcript - Off-Campus Request for Official Transcript
    Use this form to mail your request for an OFFICIAL transcript from the UofM. Do not use this form if you intend to make your request at the Registrar's Office (003 Wilder Tower). A different form is available for you there. Do not fax this form or scan it and attach it to an email. We do not accept faxed or scanned requests.

Personal Data Changes

See Changing Personal Data for more information about the forms and requirements.


  • Credit by Examination - Graduate & Undergraduate
    For more information visit Credit by Exam.

  • FERPA Form for non-Student System Users
    Use this form if you are a student and must view or access student data to perform your University duties (e.g., duties expected of a student worker or research assistant). 

  • FERPA Student Researcher Agreement
    Use this form if you are a student who is requesting access to confidential student records in order to conduct a University-approved research project. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) must sanction your project and the use of the data involved. Submit the completed agreement to Curriculum and Assessment, 217 Administration Building.


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