Course Syllabus for Look Up Classes

By clicking on a course's CRN in Look Up Classes, students can view detailed information about the course section: the catalog description, prerequisites, corequisites, textbook information, and—if you provide it—a brief course syllabus. 

Login to the myMemphis portal and select the Faculty tile. Choose Faculty Self Service and then click Faculty Detail Schedule. Select Term and CRN. In the Syllabus Data section, click Add Syllabus. (If Syllabus Data already exists, click Maintain.)

Five data fields appear under Syllabus Data, but you should not enter anything in the first field. When finished, click Submit to save changes.

Long Section Title

  • Leave blank. This field can be buggy and produce skewed results, so do not enter anything. Since the students already know the course title, the information is superfluous.

Course URL

  • Optional. However, providing a URL will allow students to view a more detailed course syllabus on another site if you so choose.

Learning Objectives

  • Keep this brief.

Required Materials

  • List textbooks and other required materials.

Technical Requirements