Scheduling Reference Guide

The Schedule Proof allows you to view the course offerings information that will appear in the online Look Up Classes for your department. Use this Reference Guide to review the following information for each offering to ensure that it is accurate.

Part of Term

  • Make sure the Part of Term is correct.

Course Section Offerings

  • Check to see that all sections that you intend to teach have been loaded.
  • If you intend to offer a special topic, it must be approved by Academic Affairs before you can enter it.

Credit Hours

  • Verify that the credit hour figure or range is correct.

Section Numbers

  • Make sure that the correct section numbers have been used; these are listed in the table below. Unless otherwise noted, the section "number" listed represents the beginning of a range.
  • R50 section numbers are used exclusively by TN eCampus (formerly RODP). Do not make any changes to an R50 section.
OnCamp Lecture 001 001 101 201 301 701
OnCamp Lab 101 101 111 211 311 711
Honors 301 301 131 231 331 731
Extended Prog 501 501 151 251 351 751
Study Abroad 091# 091# 191# 291# 391# 791#
Learn Community   C01 C01 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Dual Enroll D01 D01 D01 D01 D01 n/a

# This is not the beginning number of a range; all Study Abroad sections will have this same section number.


M M50 M50 M50 M50 M50
M-Honors M30 M30 M30 M30 M30
M-Honors Embedded M3A M3A M3A M3A M3A
M-Lambuth (no travel required) M90 M90 M90 M90 M90
S-Remote Synchronous S01/50 S01/50 S01/50 S01/50 S01/50
S-Remote Synchronous Lambuth (no travel required) S90 S90 S90 S90 S90



Instructional Mode/Method

Verify that the instructional method is correct. Refer to the table below.

What is hybrid?

Hybrid and “blended” typically are used synonymously and are commonly used to describe courses in which some face-to-face “seat time” has been replaced by online learning activities. The purpose of a hybrid course is to take advantage of the best features of face-to-face and online learning. A hybrid course is designed to integrate face-to-face and online activities so that they reinforce and complement one another, instead of treating the online component as an add-on or duplicate of what is taught in the classroom. There are two hybrid instructional methods.

  • HYB-Hybrid classes are required to meet at least 50 percent of class hours in-person. Departments may schedule how they will use the in-person time; however, hybrid classes must meet in-person at least 50 percent of the time required for fully in-person sections. Remaining hours should be held online. Any synchronous activities, in the classroom or remote, must take place during the published class times so as not to conflict with other student classes.
  • HYL-Hybrid Less Than 50% In Person classes will meet less than 50 percent of class hours in person. Departments may schedule how they will use the in-person time; however, hybrid classes will meet in-person less than 50 percent of the time required for fully in-person sections. Remaining hours should be held online. Any synchronous activities, in the classroom or remote, must take place during the published class times so as not to conflict with other student classes.


Code Description
ATP Audio Tape
BRD Public Broadcast
CIM Remote Synchronous
CLN Clinicals
CON Conventional Methodology
DIS Dissertation
DVC Desktop Video Conferencing
EML E-mail
HYB Hybrid
HYL Hybrid Less Than 50% In Person
IND Independent Study
NCM Other Non-Conventional Media
OWY One-Way Video and Audio
PRA Student Teaching / Field Supervision / Co-op
RCE TNeCampus-WEB Asynchronous
RD1 TNeCampus-WEB Asynchronous UG
RD2 TNeCampus-WEB Asynchronous GR
RD3 TNeCampus-WEB Asynchronous DSP
SLF Self-instructional Media
THS Thesis
TWA One-Way Video, Two-Way Audio
TWY Two-Way Video and Audio
VDC Video Disc
VTP Video Tape
WEB WEB (Asynchronous)

Grade Mode

  • Verify the accuracy of the grade mode assigned to the course:

    A Audit
    B Credit/No Credit
    D Remedial/Development
    E E / S / U / IP
    G Thesis / Dissertation
    I S / U / I
    K S / U / IP
    N No Credit
    O Regents
    S Standard Letter, A-F
    U Standard Letter with IP
    W Standard Letter with T

Days and Times

  • Check the accuracy of the meeting days and times (including AM/PM).
  • Days and times should conform to standard meeting times. If not, you must submit a Non-Standard Course Offering form (exception: a class offered in non-conventional mode of instruction such as Studio).
  • Make sure that any courses meeting at non-standard times meet minimum contact minute requirements. Each credit hour requires a minimum of 750 contact minutes. Thus, a 3-hour course should require a minimum of 2250 contact minutes.

Site Code

  • Verify that each of your courses has the correct site code.
    Note: Main campus courses should have a site code of 11M.


  • If you have assigned a building and room, please verify that these are correct.
  • Refer to Information Technology's SMART Classroom Listing if necessary.

Feature Codes

  • Verify that the correct feature codes, if any, have been assigned.


  • Verify that the correct instructor(s), if any, have been assigned.

Max Seats

  • Determine if the number in the max seats field is based on actual demand. Placement in your 1st priority partition (bldg/room) may be affected by this, as room assignments are made based on number of seats (max enrollment).

Cross-Listed Courses

  • Verify that cross-listed courses show as cross-listed and that the Day, Time, Building, Room, and Instructor(s) information matches.

Course/Section Footnotes

  • Verify that all special information notes for a section are listed on the proof.

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