UofM SPH, the Office of the Dean, and SPH stakeholders offer scholarships and awards to help UofM SPH students reach their full potential during their time at school. Below is a listing of these funding opportunities from UofM SPH and partners, along with a selection of other scholarships from external sources.
For BSPH Students
Dr. Roger S. and Mary E. LaBonte Scholarship
Who for?
Students enrolled in the Undergraduate Public Health Program
How much?
$1,500 for Fall 2025
This Scholarship, sponsored by the LaBonte family, is offered for Fall, Spring, and summer terms.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be currently enrolled and from the Memphis Metro per the U.S. Census Bureau’s Memphis – Forrest City, TN – AR – MS. Students must also demonstrate a financial need. Scholarships are not guaranteed for each eligible applicant.
For Master's Students
Dean's Scholarship for Fall 2025
Who for?
Incoming master's degree students for Fall 2025
How much?
We have 15 total scholarships available in the amount of $5,000. Awardees will receive the scholarship for the Fall 2025 semester if they demonstrate academic excellence with a GPA of 3.3 or above.
Eligibility will be determined through review of your SOPHAS application. There is no need for an additional application. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and not guaranteed to each eligible application.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be a first-year student with a GPA of 3.3 or above, enrolled in at least 9 credits, and have demonstrated academic excellence.
Dean's Scholarship for Spring 2025
Who for?
Incoming master's degree students for Spring 2025
How much?
There are 20 scholarships available for $3,500. Awardees will receive the scholarship for the Spring 2025 semester if they demonstrate academic excellence with a GPA of 3.3 or above.
Eligibility will be determined through review of your SOPHAS application. There is no need for an additional application. Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and not guaranteed to each eligible application.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be a first-year student with a GPA of 3.3 or above, enrolled in at least 9 credits, and have demonstrated academic excellence.
The Dr. Paul E. Fitzgerald, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Who for?
Students enrolled in the Master of Health Administration Program
How much?
The minimum amount of scholarship is $500 each year.
This Scholarship, in honor of former University of Memphis School of Public Health Administration associate professor Dr. Paul E. Fitzgerald, Jr. is available for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be enrolled full-time and demonstrate a financial need. Scholarships are not guaranteed for each eligible applicant.
Camille Barsukiewicz Memorial Scholarship
Who for?
Students enrolled in Master of Health Administration Program
How much?
To be determined by scholarship committee
This Scholarship, in honor of former University of Memphis School of Public Health MHA professor Camille Barsukiewicz, is offered for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must demonstrate leadership in community connectedness and demonstrate a financial need. Scholarships are not guaranteed for each eligible applicant.
All students
Healthy Memphis Common Table Assistantship
Who for?
Students who participate in any scholarly activity within SPH.
How much?
$350 for Fall 2025
This scholarship, sponsored by the Common Table Health Alliance, is offered for Fall, Spring, and summer terms.
Eligibility Criteria
Students must be currently enrolled in a SPH program. Scholarships are not guaranteed for each eligible applicant.
APHA Memberships Funded by the Dean
Who for?
All active students
How much?
Saves each student $85 per year
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is a critical organization for public health students to be involved in. APHA offers invaluable opportunities to participate in research and service groups, present and share findings, and network with peers across the U.S. to enhance future professional and scholarly opportunities.
APHA Travel Award
Who for?
Any UofM SPH student with an accepted poster or oral presentation at the annual American Public Health Association conference.
How much?
Coming soon
An opportunity to present one’s research at the annual APHA conference gives UofM SPH students the opportunity to share their work, learn from others, and build relationships that will serve them throughout their tenure at UofM and in their future careers. This award is intended to encourage student participation at APHA.
Scholarships from other sources
- Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) scholarships
- Community College Transfer Scholarship
- Current University of Memphis Student Scholarships
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- HIV League Scholarship
- GIVA Annual Student Scholarship and Worldwide Community Ambassador Award
- Sisters in Public Health (SIPH)
- University of Memphis Incoming Freshman Scholarships
- University of Memphis Transfer Scholarship