Decorative image: Faculty and Staff in discussion with their laptops

Faculty Planning and Evaluation


The Provost’s Office holds all information about Annual Evaluations. These pages provide a summary of the steps for faculty evaluation. Online, find user manuals for faculty and all levels of administration, and current deadlines for all evaluations. Annual evaluations include opportunities for faculty members to provide input into their annual evaluation and to provide input into the evaluation of their chair or director.

Annual Performance Review

The annual faculty planning and evaluation process, also known as the Annual Performance Review process, is conducted in the spring semester. Information about the standard faculty evaluation, the instrument, and planning documents can be accessed on the university website. The Annual Performance Review process exists to provide fair, objective, constructive feedback, and relevant support to faculty members. Annual Performance Reviews are used as a basis for decisions relating to tenure, promotion, workload assignments, recommendations for salary increases and other personnel actions, including decisions regarding renewal of tenure track faculty appointments. The goals of these performance reviews are to:

  1. review accomplishments as compared to previously set specific objectives for the faculty member by the faculty member and the chair consistent with this handbook and academic unit and departmental guidelines;
  2. establish new objectives for the coming year, as appropriate, using clearly understood standards that are consistent with this handbook, academic unit guidelines, and departmental guidelines;
  3. provide the necessary support (resources, environment, personal and official encouragement) to achieve these objectives;
  4. fairly and honestly assess the performance of the faculty member by the department chair; and
  5. recognize and reward outstanding achievement.

The department chair will inform the departmental faculty of the schedule for the reviews, any materials that should be prepared and submitted for the reviews and schedule an annual review conference with each tenured and tenure-track faculty member at least two weeks in advance.

Faculty Performance Ratings

Faculty performance must be evaluated in a manner consistent with all applicable university, academic unit, and/or departmental policies and procedures, and must apply the following performance ratings:

  • 0-Not Evaluated
  • 1-Failure to Meet Responsibilities
  • 2-Improvement Needed
  • 2.5-Good Performance/Improvement Needed
  • 3.0-Good Performance
  • 3.5-Very Good/Good Performance
  • 4.0-Very Good Performance
  • 4.5-Exceptional/Very Good Performance
  • 5.0-Exceptional Performance

Within 30 days of receipt of the fully executed Annual Performance Review from the dean, any faculty member whose overall performance rating is less than 3.0 (Good Performance) will receive notice from the dean that they must collaborate with the department chair to develop a performance improvement plan unless the performance rating triggers a Post-tenure Review, as described in Section 4.9.2 of the faculty handbook.

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