Degrees and Programs

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Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)

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The Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree will provide you with a strong foundation in public health through evidence-informed course content; community-based internships; and a curriculum based on established competencies, best practices, and accreditation standards.
Minor in Public Health icon: buildingicon: computer The Public Health Minor is designed to provide students with an understanding of the connections between public health and every aspect of life as well as the analytic approaches to understanding these connections.
Minor in Population Health Informatics icon: buildingicon: computer he Population Health Informatics Minor is designed to meet the increasing demands for health informatics professionals in the workforce for population health informatics in Tennessee, regionally, and across the US.
High School Dual Enrollment icon: buildingicon: computer Our dual enrollment program allows students to jumpstart their Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) degree by taking college courses during the 11th and 12th grades. Students who later attend the University of Memphis and declare their undergraduate major as Public Health can transfer credits earned from these courses towards their bachelor's degree.
Accelerated Bachelor to Master of Public Health (ABM) icon: buildingicon: computer This program allows outstanding BSPH or undergraduate students to accelerate their path towards a Master of Public Health (MPH) by enrolling in graduate level courses during their junior and senior years. Students should consider the Accelerated Bachelor to Master of Public Health (ABM) early in their undergraduate career, in consultation with their academic advisors.

Graduate Programs

Masters Programs

Master of Health Administration (Campus Track) icon: building The mission of the University of Memphis MHA Program is to provide a high-quality educational experience that will, through both on-campus and executive tracks, prepare students for success in a variety of healthcare institutions. Through our strong relationships with healthcare community partners, combined with innovative classroom and blended learning methods, we provide our students with real-world healthcare management practice and immersion experiences. This program is accredited by CAHME and is a full graduate member of the AUPHA.
Master of Health Administration (Executive Track Online) icon: computer The mission of the University of Memphis MHA Program is to provide a high-quality educational experience that will, through both on-campus and executive tracks, prepare students for success in a variety of healthcare institutions. Through our strong relationships with healthcare community partners, combined with innovative classroom and blended learning methods, we provide our students with real-world healthcare management practice and immersion experiences. This program is accredited by CAHME and is a full graduate member of the AUPHA.
Master of Public Health (MPH) with concentration in Epidemiology icon: building
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The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. The MPH Epidemiology concentration program prepares graduates for conducting epidemiological projects and taking research responsibilities in the public health workforce.
Master of Public Health (MPH) with concentration in Biostatistics icon: building
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The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. The MPH Biostatistics concentration program prepares graduates to be involved in public health community-based projects and scientific studies as data analysts.
Master of Public Health (MPH) with concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences icon: building
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The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. An SBS MPH prepares graduates for higher level project management and research responsibilities in the public health workforce.
Master of Public Health (MPH) with concentration Urban Health icon: building
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The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. An MPH in Urban Health prepares graduates for higher level project management and research opportunities in the growing field of urban health, which includes city planning, international development in the public and private sectors, as well as governmental and research positions.
Master of Public Health (MPH), Generalist track icon: building
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The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Public Health (MPH) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. A Generalist MPH provides a strong foundation in the principles and practices of public health. This degree is highly valued in population health and clinical practices and will serve those preparing for or already engaged in the clinical medical field.
Master of Science (MS) in Biostatistics with concentration in Biostatistics icon: building The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Science (MS) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. Compared to the MPH with Biostatistics concentration, the MS in Biostatistics with concentration in Biostatistics is more focused and provides in-depth training on biostatistical analytical tools and their related theoretical background.
Master of Science (MS) in Biostatistics with concentration in Data Science in Public Health icon: building The mission of the CEPH accredited Master of Science (MS) program is to provide a stimulating academic environment in a metropolitan setting that supports excellence and innovation in education, research, and service to enhance the lives and health of individuals, families, and communities in the Mid-South. MS students in the DSPH concentration will develop competence in data science analytical skills with strong statistical computing dealing with large data supported by in-depth understanding of underlying biostatistical theory, a deeper understanding of epidemiological aspects involved in public health problems, and strong public health communication skills.
MHA/ MBA Dual Degree   The University of Memphis School of Public Health and the Fogelman College of Business & Economics now offer a dual degree program that provides an educational experience in both healthcare management and general business knowledge and skills. Applicants seeking admission to dual-degree studies must apply separately to each of the two collaborating programs and must meet the admissions requirements of both.

Doctoral Programs

PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics with concentration in Epidemiology

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The PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics offers cutting-edge, advanced training to prepare individuals for academic and research careers. Students in this concentration have plenty of opportunities to work closely with faculty mentors on epidemiology studies in areas including cardiovascular disease risk factors, environmental health and health disparities, allergic diseases and underlying genetic/epigenetic mechanisms, sickle cell disease, smoking, cancer, and childhood obesity.
PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics with concentration in Biostatistics

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The PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics offers cutting-edge, advanced training to prepare individuals for academic and research careers. Students in this concentration have plenty of opportunities to work closely with faculty mentors in areas including cardiovascular disease risk factors, environmental health and health disparities, allergic diseases and underlying genetic/epigenetic mechanisms, sickle cell disease, smoking, cancer, and childhood obesity to develop and apply novel biostatistical methods to these public health studies.
PhD in Social and Behavioral Sciences

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The PhD program in Social and Behavioral Sciences is based on the principle that health and health behaviors are influenced by multiple psychological, behavioral, social, and cultural factors. Students work closely with faculty mentors in research areas such as smoking, addiction, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, STDs, cancer, nutrition, physical activity, obesity, maternal and child health, and neighborhood environment with strong mixed methods training.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificate in Health Systems Leadership icon: buildingicon: computer The Health Systems Leadership graduate certificate provides students with training in areas critical to 21st century healthcare, public health, and community health leadership.
Graduate Certificate in Health Analytics icon: buildingicon: computer The Health Analytics graduate certificate provides working public health and healthcare professionals with formal training in health analytics and skills necessary to engage in population health delivery in the changing landscape of health reform.
Graduate Certificate in Population Health icon: buildingicon: computer The Population Health graduate certificate offers focused academic training for public health practitioners and other healthcare leaders who are interested in improving health outcomes in the community.
Graduate Certificate in Population Health Informatics icon: buildingicon: computer The Population Health Informatics graduate certificate equips students with an in-depth understanding of informatics that supports the development of interventions addressing 21st century public health challenges. Students will acquire the skills necessary to apply technology at the intersection of clinical care and health sciences, strengthening preventive care at the population level.

Health Care Interpreter Course

Health Care Interpreter Course

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The Health Care Interpreter Course, accredited by the International Medical Interpreter Association, is a specialized educational program offered several times during the year with course curriculum and materials developed by Kaiser Permanente in partnership with Hablamos Juntos. It's ideal for students who are proficient in two or more languages.

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