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Master of Health Administration (Executive Track Online)

Learn. Lead. Care.


icon for program descriptionAbout the Program

The University of Memphis Master of Health Administration (MHA) program is a nationally-ranked program with an award-winning emphasis on leadership and professional development. For 28 years, the Memphis MHA Program continues to prepare healthcare leaders, now boasting over 450 alumni currently working in 35 states and internationally. The U of M MHA Program is Tennessee's first CAHME-accredited MHA program. Small class sizes and a 6:1 student-to-faculty ratio assure an environment of personalized professional development that equips our students with the competencies and skills needed to thrive as healthcare leaders in an increasingly complex workplace.

The 45-credit First CAHME-accredited program in TNhour on-campus track can be completed full-time in two academic years (21 months) or part-time in as few as three years. Evening classes accommodate both full- and part-time students. Most of our full-time students are placed in paid, 20 hour per week administrative residencies with healthcare organizations across the Memphis area for experiential learning outside the classroom. In addition to our administrative residencies and our CAHME accredited curriculum, the cornerstone of our award-winning approach to leadership development is our "Day One" program, which includes a team development wilderness retreat prior to entering the program and a series of seminars that address core professional competencies such as interviewing, resume design, networking, dining etiquette, dressing for success, and presentation/advocacy skills. Many of our students receive a significant number of nationally-competitive post-graduate fellowships. Our students also find post-graduate career opportunities through their administrative residency experiences. Importantly, for the past three years, the Memphis MHA program has a 98% 90-day job placement rate. With among the most affordable tuition rates and lowest costs of living in the country, the University of Memphis MHA program is an exceptional educational opportunity.

The MHA program, located in the University of Memphis CEPH-accredited School of Public Health, is a full graduate member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), and belongs to ACHE's Higher Education Network (HEN).


The mission of the University of Memphis MHA Program is to provide a high-quality educational experience that will, through both on-campus and executive tracks, prepare students for success in a variety of healthcare institutions. View Mission, Vision, and Values >

Program Brochure - PDF

Request Information


Icon for Contact usConnect with our Admissions Team

Shirl Sharpe, MS
Academic Services Coordinator II
(901) 678-1710

Christie Rakestraw
Graduate School Admissions Counselor

icon for admission requirementsAdmission Information


  • A bachelor's degree is required for admission with a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Five (5) years of relevant health care management or clinical experience
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose (750-1000 words)
  • CV/Resume
  • International students:

icon for DeadlinesDeadlines

  • Fall Semester - July 15*
  • Spring Semester - December 15*

**International applicants should plan to have their applications in by May 15 for Fall Semester and October 15 for Spring Semester to ensure sufficient time to receive your Form I-20 and visa.

icon for curriculumCurriculum

  • The structured curriculum reflects the competencies and skills identified as part of the nationally-ranked, residential UofM MHA program.
  • 45 Credit Hours Required with a 3.0 GPA

Graduate students must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA ("B"). Grades of "D" and "F" will not apply toward any graduate degree, but will be computed in the GPA. No more than 7 hours of "C-," "C" or "C+" will be applied towards meeting degree requirements.

icon for competenciesCompetencies


  • Articulate, model, and reward professional values and ethics
  • Understand and model stewardship of organizational resources
  • Know, support, and use team development methods
  • Use system and strategic thinking models and methods to make decisions and solve problems
  • Understand and apply models and methods of organizational change and innovation


  • Write clearly and effectively
  • Speak clearly and effectively before individuals and groups, in formal and informal settings
  • Display effective listening and communication skills
  • Listen, hear, and respond effectively to the ideas and thoughts of others
  • Develop, organize, synthesize, and articulate ideas and information

Critical Thinking

  • Learn from mistakes
  • Ask the right questions when making decisions


  • Understand the structure and conduct of quantitative and analytical methods, including economic and financial evaluation, linear regression analysis, and forecasting methods
  • Monitor data and identify deviations for both internal processes and procedures and for external trends
  • Evaluate testable hypotheses commonly arising in a management setting, selecting and applying appropriate quantitative methods
  • Examine qualitative and quantitative data to determine patterns and trends


  • Work effectively with other professionals
  • Understand, demonstrate, and reward cultural sensitivity and competence
  • Understand and apply basic concepts and tools that are integral to strategic thinking, planning, and management

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