Student in Lab: Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Ph.D.)


icon for program descriptionProgram Description

With its emphases on translational research and emerging public health issues, the PhD program in Epidemiology and Biostatistics offers a cutting-edge, advanced training to prepare individuals for academic and research careers. The program has two concentrations, Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Main areas of research include cardiovascular disease risk factors, allergic diseases and underlying genetic/epigenetic mechanisms, sickle cell disease, smoking, cancer, and childhood obesity, along with biostatistical methods originated from these public health studies. Students work closely with faculty mentors in these research areas. The PhD program is designed to be completed in three to four years for students with a master's degree in Biostatistics or a related field. For each concentration, requirements include the equivalent of two years of full-time coursework, written and oral comprehensive examinations, and the completion an oral defense of an independent, original dissertation in the concentration area. Eligible full-time students may receive graduate assistantships to cover tuition and/or stipends.

icon for admission requirementsAdmission Requirements

  • A Master’s degree is required for admission with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Three (3) letters of recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose (750-1000 words)
  • CV/Resume
  • International students:
  • GRE recommended but not required

icon for DeadlinesDeadlines

February 1

icon for curriculumCurriculum

Epidemiology Concentration

Epidemiology Research Methods Core

  • PUBH 8141 Epidemiologic Survey Methods
  • PUBH 8172 Epidemiology in Public Health II
  • PUBH 8174 Epidemiology in Public Health III

Biostatistics Core

  • PUBH 8152 Biostatistical Methods II
  • PUBH 8310 Mixed Model Regression Analysis
  • PUBH 8311 Applied Categorical Data Analysis
  • PUBH 8208 Applied Survival Analysis
  • PUBH 7190 Advanced SAS I

Doctoral Seminar Core

  • PUBH 8201 Doctoral Seminar: Professional Development
  • PUBH 8192 Intro to Human Disease
  • PUBH 8720 Grant Writing in Health Sciences

Other Requirements

  • 15 hours of electives
  • PUBH 9000 Dissertation (6 credits)

Biostatistics Concentration

General Core

  • PUBH 8152 Biostatistical Methods II
  • PUBH 8172 Epidemiology in Public Health II
  • PUBH 8310 Mixed Model Regression Analysis
  • PUBH 8311 Applied Categorical Data Analysis

Biostatistics Core

  • PUBH 8460 Advanced Survival Analysis
  • PUBH 8455 Clinical Trials II
  • MATH 7643 Least Square and Regression Analysis
  • MATH 6954 Inference Theory

Doctoral Seminar Core

  • PUBH 8201 Doctoral Seminar: Professional Development
  • PUBH 8720 Grant Writing in Health Sciences

Other Requirements

  • 12 hours of electives
  • PUBH 9000 Dissertation (12 credits)

icon for competenciesCompetencies

Epidemiology Concentration

  • Analyze and critically apply professional and ethical standards of public health.
  • Critically evaluate epidemiologic studies, appreciating the potential roles of bias, confounding, and random error, and suggesting alternative methodologies to improve the existing design.
  • Design a valid epidemiologic study that addresses an important public health problem.
  • Design and conduct statistical analyses using methods appropriate for the study design, type of data, and model assumptions and communicate these methods for a professional audience.
  • Develop expertise in an area of independent research and complete a rigorous dissertation.

Biostatistics Concentration

  • Analyze and critically apply professional and ethical standards of public health.
  • Critically analyze published literature, evaluating the appropriateness of biostatistical methods and the strength and limitations of the epidemiologic design and methodology.
  • Demonstrate the ability to derive theoretical properties of statistical methods.
  • Design and conduct data analyses using advanced statistical methods appropriate for the study design.
  • Develop expertise in an area of independent research and complete a rigorous dissertation.

icon for applicationHow to Apply

Graduate students must maintain a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (“B”). Grades of “D” and “F” will not apply toward any graduate degree, but will be computed in the GPA. No more than 7 hours of “C-,” “C” or “C+” will be applied towards meeting degree requirements.

Icon for Contact usContact Us

For frequently asked questions about the this program, please visit our Doctoral Degrees FAQ

Briana McNeil 
Coordinator, Recruitment and Admissions 
(901) 678-3740

Shirl Sharpe, MS
Academic Services Coordinator II
(901) 678.1710

Xinhua Yu, MD, PhD, MS
Epidemiology PhD Program Director

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