Graduate Certificate in Population Health Informatics

Graduate Certificate in Population Health Informatics

Icon for Program DescriptionProgram Description

With the rapid pace of technological advancements, public health professions require a core set of informatics skills. Population health informatics tools and technologies are rapidly enhancing the capacity to translate growing population data into meaningful information that can inform actionable insights. Expertise in population health informatics is critical in supporting the activities of public health agencies toward building and sustaining information capabilities that meet evolving population health needs. 

To equip students with an in-depth understanding of informatics that supports the development of interventions addressing 21st century public health challenges. Students will acquire the skills necessary to apply technology at the intersection of clinical care and health sciences, strengthening preventive care at the population level. Upon graduation, it is expected that most students will work in fields related to public health, implementation science, and health technology innovations. Examples of employment titles graduates might hold include chief information officer, health informatics analyst, corporate health information officer, system analyst, project manager, system engineer, project developer, health informatics consultant, research associate, applied health informatics researcher, data analytics/data mining engineer, data sets/nomenclature and classification standards developer, and health information applications developer.

Icon for Admission RequirementsAdmission Requirements

Applications for admission to the program will be consistent with the school’s graduate admissions. Eligible students will submit applications via SOPHAS Express, a centralized online application system for schools and programs of public health. Other application requirements include:

  • SOPHAS express online application fee
  • Transcripts of all institutions attended (with a minimum GPA of 3.0)
  • A personal statement/statement of purpose (recommended length is 500 words)
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • A resume/CV
  • TOEFL scores are required if language of instruction for prior degrees was not English
    • Paper-based test: 550
    • Computer administered test: 233
    • Internet-based test: 60 (reading score, writing score, and listening score)
  • Transcript evaluation from WES or ECE for foreign transcripts

Icon for CurriculumCurriculum

15 credit coursework (12 credit core courses and one course elective)
  • COMP 6001 Intro to Python Programming 3 credits
  • COMP 7115: Database systems 3 credits
  • PUBH 7475 Principles of Population Health Informatics 3 credits
  • PUBH 7472: Digital Health Interventions and Evaluations 3 credits
Elective (Choose one the of following)
  • PUBH 7470: Community and Population Health Dashboards 3 credits
  • COMP 7150: Fundamentals of Data Sciences 3 credits
  • PUBH 7104: Large datasets/public health research 3 credits
Recommended Course Sequence (For students starting Fall/Spring Semester)
  • COMP 6001 Intro to Python Programming 3 credits
  • COMP 7115: Database systems 3 credits
  • PUBH 7475 Principles of Population Health Informatics 3 credits
  • PUBH 7472: Digital Health Interventions and Evaluations 3 credits
  • Any elective 

Icon for How to ApplyHow to Apply

Icon for Contact usContact Us

Briana McNeil 
Coordinator, Recruitment and Admissions 
(901) 678-3740 

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