Graduate Certificate in Health Analytics

Graduate Certificate in Health Analytics


icon for program descriptionProgram Description

The goal of the Certificate in Health Analytics is to provide working public health and healthcare professionals with formal training in health analytics and skills necessary to engage in population health delivery in the changing landscape of health reform. The certificate program will be open to all health professionals, medical professionals, allied health professionals, and students with interest in health analytics in West Tennessee and across the nation. The courses will be available in person and some online. Students can possibly apply the credits toward the MPH/MHA degree.

icon for admission requirementsAdmission Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree is required for admission with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Statement of Purpose (approximately 500 words)
  • CV/Resume
  • International students:

icon for curriculumCurriculum

Students enrolled in the certificate program must complete a total of 15 credit hours. This includes:

  • PUBH 7170 Epidemiology in Public Health I
  • PUBH 7150 Biostatistical Methods I
  • PUBH 7152 Biostatistical Methods II
  • PUBH 7190 Adv SAS Programming for PUBH Professionals I
  • PUBH 7006 Data Mining in Healthcare Analytics OR PUBH 7104 Large Data Sets

icon for competenciesCompetencies

  • Analyze quantitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software
  • Distinguish among the different measurement scales and select the appropriate statistical methods to be used based on these distinctions
  • Analyze public health data using linear and logistic regression models
  • Develop multivariable models by statistically assessing confounding and effect modification
  • Analyze public health data using appropriate epidemiologic and statistical methods to draw valid inferences

icon for applicationHow to Apply

Icon for Contact usContact Us

Shirl Sharpe, MS
Academic Services Coordinator II
(901) 678-1710

Hongmei Zhang, PhD, MS
Professor, Division Director, and Program Coordinator for Biostatistics

Christie Rakestraw
Graduate School Admissions Counselor
(901) 678-4489

Briana McNeil 
Coordinator, Recruitment and Admissions 
(901) 678-3740 

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