Executive Master of Health Administration (MHA)

The goal of the Executive Master of Health Administration track is to prepare current mid-career clinical and management health care professionals for advanced management and leadership roles within their current organization or other organizations throughout the health care industry including public or private hospitals, medical practices, ancillary health providers, health agencies or government and military health providers.  As part of U of M global, the EMHA track is delivered totally on-line. Like our traditional MHA track, this track is CAHME-accredited.

cahme accredited

Program Prerequisites

A bachelor's degree is required for admission with a minimum GPA of 3.0. It is required that an applicant have at least five years of relevant health care management or clinical experience.


The structured curriculum reflects the competencies and skills identified as part of the nationally-ranked, residential UofM MHA program. For detailed information about the MHA program, including policies, course names and descriptions, visit the Graduate Catalog

Degree Requirements

  • Students enrolled in the EMHA track must complete a total of 53 credit hours. This includes:
    • 42 hours of core courses
    • 3 hours of a comprehensive master's project
    • 8 hours of Experiential Learning Credit (ELC)
  • Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA ("B"). Grades of "D" and "F" will not apply toward any graduate degree, but will be computed in the GPA. No more than 7 hours of "C-", "C," or "C+" will be applied towards meeting degree requirements.
  • All requirements for the EMHA degree must be completed in 5 calendar years.

Tuition and Fees

For the most current information regarding tuition, visit the University & Student Business Services' Fee Chart.

Contact Us

Shirl Sharpe, MS
Academic Services Coordinator II

Mark Hendricks, MHA
EMHA Program Director

Christie Rakestraw
Graduate School Admissions Counselor

Admissions Info >

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