REACT4EJ-TN is up and running


Logo of REACT4EJ-TNFebruary 2, 2024 - The Tennessee Office for REACT4EJ (REACT4EJ-TN), housed in the University of Memphis School of Public Health (UofM SPH), has started its operations. REACT4EJ (Resource for Assistance and Community Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice) serves as EPA Region 4’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Center. REACT4EJ-TN offers technical assistance (TA) to communities and community-based organizations in Tennessee to address EJ and energy justice issues. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Identifying and applying for funding
  • Supporting partnerships with other EJ organizations
  • Navigating online government systems and tools
  • Engaging with local and state governments
  • Connecting with experts for an EJ issue
  • Connecting with university faculty/students
  • Building capacity for organization in areas that are rural, remote, or on current or former mining land

REACT4EJ-TN is led by Dr. Chunrong Jia, Professor of Environmental Health in SPH. The co-investigators include Dr. Ashish Joshi (Dean and Professor, SPH), Dr. Arleen Hill (Chair and Professor, Earth Sciences), and Dr. Naser Titu (Assistant Professor, SPH). Blake Moseley (MPH student, SPH) is serving as the coordinator for REACT4EJ-TN.

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