Professor Kedia's Research Receives International Attention


April 28, 2023 - The released data on substance use related to Senior adults involved in accidents shows increased risks.

Dr. Satish Kedia, professor in the Division of Social, Behavioral Sciences and SBS Ph.D. Program Coordinator and lead PI for this research, and his team recently released data on drinking and driving as it relates to Senior adults. Their analysis of nine years of U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data revealed that substance use in older drivers increased the likelihood of being at fault in a crash by two to four times. The researchers looked at alcohol, marijuana, stimulants, narcotics, depressants and hallucinogens.

"Our research shows just how much aging increases the risk of being at fault for injury or fatality in a drug- or alcohol-related traffic accident," said Kedia.

As a result, multiple media outlets have published articles on their findings. A couple of those releases are available below:

Research Study: Driving under the influence of substances and motor vehicle fatalities among older adults in the United States. 2023. Satish Kedia, Asos Mahmood, Lu Xie, Yu Jiang, Patrick Dillon, Nikhil Ahuja, Hassan Arshad, and Coree Entwistle. Traffic Injury Prevention. 2023 Apr 27;1-8. doi: 10.1080/15389588.2023.2188435. Online ahead of print. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15389588.2023.2188435

For more information on this research, contact Kedia at skkedia@memphis.edu.

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