Savannah C. Kilgore

Savannah C. Kilgore

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)

My name is Savannah Kilgore, and I am a senior at the University of Memphis’s School of Public Health. My graduation date is set for May 2025, and I couldn’t be happier with my major. Until my junior year, I struggled to find a major that was the ‘right fit’ for me. However, a former teacher of mine pointed me in the direction of Public Health- a field I had never heard of- after I expressed an interest in helping others outside of a clinical aspect. I was given the name and interview date to meet with the of the School of Public Health’s Associate Dean, Dr. Marian Levy. During the span of our late summer afternoon interview, I asked a plethora of questions ranging from “What is the hardest aspect of Public Health as a career?” to “What is the projected growth of the career within the next few years?” Each question was honestly and succinctly answered by Dr. Levy and by the end of our interview I was certain that Public Health was the major for me. My confidence in this decision has only grown as I take on my senior year here. In class and through field work projects I have learned just how intricate Public Health is as a field. We have environmentalists who study allergens and their effects on developing youth, community-centered projects highlighting youth rehabilitation and its importance when going to trial, how hunger affects different demographics, and the long-term consequences that come with it. I have learned to assess impossible decisions, take into account the best way to help others while working with community resources, and when to ask for assistance. As I prepare to graduate, I know that choosing Memphis’s School of Public Health was the right decision for me. As the field continues to grow and expand, I hope more students will turn towards Public Health as a way to build a better tomorrow by building a better today.