Aniya Bonds

Aniya Bonds

Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH)

My journey at the School of Public Health has been nothing short of transformative. As I stand on the brink of graduation with a Bachelor's in Public Health and a Minor in Social Justice, I can attest to how grateful I am for the opportunities, challenges, and growth that have defined my path thus far.

Throughout my academic journey, I have actively contributed to various facets of public health, including serving as President of the Public Health Student Association, and representing the School of Public Health as a Student Ambassador. Every experience has deepened my understanding of community health and advocacy.

Yet, it's not just about the academic or extracurricular pursuits; it's about the tangible impact within Shelby County and beyond. Through town hall meetings providing platforms for at-risk youth to voice concerns or visiting local high schools to educate on public health, I've witnessed firsthand the ripple effect of our efforts.

The School of Public Health has not only provided a platform for community engagement but also facilitated my personal and professional growth. Under its guidance, I've joined research teams, assumed leadership roles, and embraced a culture that values passion and dedication. Here, being an undergraduate student isn't a barrier but an opportunity to flourish, thanks to faculty and staff who recognize potential beyond mere qualifications.

I owe much of my success to Dean Joshi's unwavering support, which has propelled me to achieve milestones I once thought unattainable. Looking ahead, I encourage fellow undergraduates to seize the rich opportunities available and become agents of positive change. The School of Public Health isn't just a place of learning; it's a transformative journey that empowers individuals to make a difference in their communities and beyond.