Academics - logo of UofM

The Office of Academic Affairs supports the academic mission of the School of Public Health at the University of Memphis. We integrate evidence-based practices to enrich the quality, rigor, and integrity of our academic programs including public health and health administration programs, certificates, and professional development with the overall aim to enhance the learning outcomes of our cutting-edge curriculum and empower the current and future public health and healthcare workforce to tackle local and global emerging challenges.

The team facilitates the development of curriculum and student programs, academic planning, academic policies and procedures, program accreditation and support of faculty and staff to our programs. Here, you will find our on-campus and online academic programs and pathways designed to support your academic journey and professional goals, and our exceptional educators who bring together innovative pedagogy, cutting-edge research, international and community experiences in our interdisciplinary divisions.


Environmental Health
Health Systems
Management and
Social and
Behavioral Sciences
Studies and
Global Engagement


Degrees and Programs

Undergraduate Programs
Master's Programs
Doctoral Programs
Graduate Certificates
Interpreter Course

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