
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health Faculty

Dr. Ashish Joshi
Ashish Joshi, Ph.D., MBBS, MPH
Dean and Distinguished University Professor
Phone: (901) 678-1673
Office: 236 Robison
Ilias Kavouras
Ilias Kavouras, PhD
Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs and Professor, EBE Division
Phone: (901) 678-1696
Office: 228 Robison
Dr. Zhang
Hongmei Zhang, PhD, MS
Professor of Biostatistics, EBE Division Director
Phone: (901) 678-4704
Office: 224 Robison
Variable Selection, Bayesian Network & clustering, Epigenetic studies
Debra Bartelli
Research Associate Professor of Urban Health
Phone: (901) 678-1395
Office: 233 Robison
ACEs, Built Environment, Senior Food Insecurity, WASH, Urban Health
Chunrong Jia
Professor of Environmental Health and Urban Health
Phone: (901) 678-2655
Office: 337 Robison
Air pollution, Exposure Assessment, Environmental disparity, Urban Health
Yu (Joyce) Jiang
Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Phone: (901) 678-4641
Office: 216 Robison
Bayesian methods, statistical genetics & epigenetics, latent variable modeling
photo coming soon
Xichen Mou, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
Phone: (901) 678-1491
Office: 218 Robison
Group testing, pooled biomarker data analysis, nonparametric regression, repeated measures
Fawaz Mzayek
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Phone: (901) 678-1662
Office: 300 Robison
Cardiovascular risk, Smoking, Obesity
Meredith Ray
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Program Coordinator for Biostatistics
Phone: (901) 678-5390
Office: 220 Robison
Epigenetics, Bayesian clustering, Lung cancer, fMRI brain data
Matthew Smeltzer
Matthew Smeltzer, PhD
Associate Professor of Epidemiology
Phone: (901) 678-3702
Office: 222 Robison
Clinical epi, Lung cancer, Sickle cell, Implementation science
Abu Mohammed Naser Titu
Abu Mohammed Naser Titu, PhD, MBBS
Assistant Professor of Environmental and Urban Health
Phone: (901) 678-4443
Office: 338 Robison
Xinhua Yu
Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Program Coordinator Epidemiology
Phone: (901) 678-3433
Office: 305 Robison
Big data, Chronic diseases, Health outcomes
Onoja Akpa
Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Phone: (901) 678-1716
Office: 226 Robison
John Lynn Jefferies
Research Professor
Office: 301 Robison

Health Systems Management and Policy Faculty

Angelia Sanders
Division Director and Professor, Health Systems Management and Policy
Phone: (901) 678-4130
Office: 132 Robison
Mark Hendricks
Associate Professor, Division of Health Systems, Management, and Policy
Phone: (901) 678-2982
Office: 137 Robison
Dr. Wei Lyu
Wei Lyu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (901) 678-3437
Office: 124 Robison
Courtnee Melton, PhD
Courtnee Melton-Fant, PhD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (901) 678-3361
Office: 130 Robison
State and local public policy, racial health inequities, health outcomes

Social and Behavioral Sciences Faculty

Satish Kedia
Satish Kedia, PhD, MPH, MS
Associate Dean, Administration & Faculty Affairs, Interim Director and Professor, Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (901) 678-1433
Office: 205 Robison
Substance use prevention and treatment, Mental health, Cancer, Mixed methods
Marian Levy
Associate Dean and Professor
Phone: (901) 678-4514
Office: 230 Robison
Interprofessional Education (IPE), Public health practice, Environmental
Support for Healthy Lifestyles
Latrice Pichon, PhD, MPH, CHES
Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (901) 678-1675
Office: 209 Robison
HIV prevention, CBPR
Yong Yang
Associate Professor
Phone: (901) 678-5018
Office: 203 Robison
Environment & health behavior, Aging & mental health,
Application of Agent-based Models
Dr. Shafi U. Bhuiyan
Associate Professor and SBS Program Coordinator, Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Phone: (901) 678-2921
Office: 200 Robison
Urban Health, Maternal & Child Health, Health Promotion, MCH Handbook,
Women Empowerment, Community health, Primary health care, Global health- UHC and SDGs.
Rajesh Melaram, PhD
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Coordinator Undergraduate Programs
Phone: (901) 678-5688
Office: 223 Robison

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