Apply to the Health Care Interpreter Course

icon for applicationHow to Apply

Step 1: Consult with course instructor.

Email Instructor >

Step 2: Complete the registration form and scan and email to course Instructor.

Download Registration Form >

Step 3: All registration fees must be paid in full BEFORE the course begins.

Payment >

icon for admission requirementsAdmissions Criteria

  • Oral Proficiency Requirements
    • Applicants must provide documentation of oral proficiency in English for one of the following:
      • Five (5) years or more of professional experience in the US, or in another country where English is the official language
      • high school diploma (or equivalent), or an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited institution of higher education in the US, or in another country where English is the official language
      • Acceptable score for one of the following language exams:
        • TOEFL: 570+ paper, 230+ computer version, 90+ on iBT
        • ELPT: 950+
        • MELAB: 80+
        • ECPE: Pass
        • FCE Level 3: A
        • CAE Level 4: B
        • CPE Level 5
        • IELTS: 7.0+
        • OPI in English: Advanced Mid-Level
    • OPI in  foreign language: Advanced-Mid Level or higher
  • High school diploma or equivalent; bachelor's degree or higher recommended
  • Minimum 18 year of age; recommended 21 years or older
  • All persons who are interested in taking a course should contact Espi Ralston, Course Instructor, prior to registration and payment to ensure that they meet all the requirements.

Icon for Contact usContact Us

Espi Ralston, MA, MAT, MA, CMI-Spanish, CHI
eralston@memphis.edu or eleygualda@gmail.com

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