Thesis Information
A thesis provides a unique opportunity for students to learn from faculty mentors in an individualized setting. Students are led by mentors to complete a piece of experimental research of interest to both the student and professor. The two-semester project begins with 3 credit hours (PSYC 4504 or 4506) of an independent Directed Research course under the tutorship of a faculty mentor. The thesis culminates the next semester with 3 additional credit hours (PSYC 4994 - 4999) to complete the final thesis product.
The thesis project will typically consist of an empirical data-collection study that is conducted by the undergraduate student in collaboration with the mentor and his/her laboratory participants. In some cases where large data sets have previously been collected, or in which the student could not collect the type of data needed, the project may be carried out on existing data. In this case the student should be heavily involved in the data analysis and thoroughly understand the procedures used. Whichever type of project is chosen, the student should contribute creatively to the research. A high standard of intellectual engagement and time commitment is expected throughout the two-semester sequence.
The purpose of the thesis is to learn the process of conducting research in psychology. Students will learn how to (1) read and evaluate the research literature; (2) derive and state hypotheses; (3) collect and/or organize data using accepted methodologies; (4) analyze data using appropriate statistical techniques; (5) draw logical conclusions from data analysis; (6) relate these conclusions to the research literature; and (7) present a thesis orally and in writing. These goals may be achieved regardless of whether the thesis produces statistically significant support for the stated hypotheses or makes an original contribution to the research literature.
Students considering a thesis should discuss this with a faculty member who conducts research of interest to them. Ideally, this will happen by the junior year. Students who are unsure if they would like to pursue a thesis in a particular area may consider volunteering in a faculty member's lab to learn more about research In their area.
Students will need the following forms and information:
■ Directed Research/Thesis Guidelines
■ Instructions for Binding of Honors Thesis