Internship Program

The University of Memphis Academic Internship Program has been nationally recognized as a Top 10 program by U.S. News and World Report. Our internships are typically one-semester experiences where a student works about 10 hours a week in a setting relevant to their interests and career goals.

Psychology internships cover a wide range of experiences, in such settings as clinical and counseling; school; business; legal; women, children, and  family; higher education; special needs populations; drug and alcohol treatment; advocacy; and community agencies.

Benefits of Internships

  • Internships provide psychology course credit that counts toward graduation requirements.
  • Internships allow students to practice and develop skills relevant to their future career.
  • Internships give students work experience in their field for job applications and resumes.
  • Internships allow students to add to their networks of professionals that will be important when looking for a job or applying to grad school in the future.
  • Internships can give a student a foot-in-the-door at a particular business in order to move into a full-time job after graduation.

Example Internship Placements

  • 1 Safe Place Family Justice System in Haywood County
  • Aspell Recovery Center in Jackson
  • AutoZone Human Resources
  • Bridges in Memphis
  • CASA of Memphis and Jackson
  • Dr. Benjamin L Hooks Job Corps Center with Mental Health Consultant
  • Evaluation and Referral Bureau in Memphis
  • Exchange Club Carl Perkins Family Center in Memphis, Jackson, and Surrounding Counties
  • Foster Care Review Board in Memphis
  • Friends for Life in Memphis
  • Girls Inc. in Memphis area
  • Harwood Center in Memphis area
  • Health Connect America in Jackson and Surrounding Counties
  • Jackson Energy Authority Human Resources
  • Jackson State Community College Human Resources
  • Juvenile Court of Memphis/Shelby County
  • Jackson Area Coalition on Alcoholism
  • Memphis Ambassadors Program
  • Memphis Area Women’s Council
  • Memphis Child Advocacy Center
  • Neighborhood Christian Center in Memphis
  • Pathways, West TN Healthcare
  • Peer Power in Memphis
  • Quinco Mental Health in West Tennessee Counties
  • Salvation Army in Memphis and Jackson
  • School systems in Shelby, Madison, DeSoto and Surrounding Counties (traditional classrooms, special education classrooms, school counseling, and crisis counseling)
  • STAR Center of Jackson
  • Stax Music Academy in Memphis
  • Transformations Autism Treatment Center in Memphis
  • UniverCITY in Memphis Area
  • University of Memphis (e.g., Student Services, Counseling Center Relaxation Zone, Office of Institutional Equity, Campus School)
  • U.S. Probation Offices in Memphis and Jackson Area
  • Veterans’ Resource Center in Memphis
  • Veterans’ Court in Memphis
  • Women’s Resource and Rape Assistance Program in Jackson and Surrounding Counties
  • World Relief Ministries in Memphis
  • Youth Villages in West Tennessee Counties

For More Information:

To learn more about the Psychology Internship Program Requirements and Application, please visit our Psych Ready website.