Teaching Take-Out

Resources for Psychology Courses

Association for Psychological Science Teaching Resources
The APS offers teaching resources for many of our undergraduate courses under these headings: General Material, Behavioral, Biological, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Educational, Forensic, Health, History and Systems, Research Methods, Sensation and Perception, Social, and Statistics.

Psychology Tutorials and Demonstrations
Resources on several course content areas including Cognitive, Developmental, Learning, Research & Statistics, and Social; especially rich in Neuroscience and Sensation/Perception.

OTRP Teaching Resources in Psychology
Classroom activities, annotated bibliographies, film guides, lab manuals, advising aids, textbook compendiums, and much more. Topics include Child Development, Diversity, Environmental, Educational, Ethical Issues, Film in Psychology, History, Human Sexuality, International Psychology, Introductory, Learning, Physiological, Psychology and Law, Research and Teaching, and Sensation & Perception.

Project Syllabus
Peer-reviewed syllabi in more than 30 psychology course categories including Abnormal, Capstone, Careers/Major, Clinical, Cognitive, Community, Developmental, Diversity, Educational, Ethics, Health, History, Human Sexuality, Industrial/Organizational, Language, Learning, Motivation, Online/Hybrid, Personality, Physiological, Psychology & Law, Personality, Religion, Research Methods, Sensation & Perception, Social, Statistics, Teaching, Tests & Measurements, and Women & Gender.

General Psychology (Introductory)

Discovering Psychology
This is the companion website for Philip Zimbardo’s General Psychology video course.

History of Psychology

Today in the History of Psychology
"The American Psychological Association Historical Database is a collection of dates and brief descriptions of over 3100 events in the history of psychology." Search by date or by keywords.

Personality Psychology

Personality Pedagogy
A Wiki of resources for the teaching of personality psychology

Physiological Psychology

Brief Video on Dangers of Stress
Robert Sapolsky, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University, reveals just how dangerous prolonged exposure to stress can be in the documentary, "Stress: Portrait of a Killer."

Mouse Party
An animated cartoon that illustrates “chemical interactions at the synaptic level that cause the drug user to feel ‘high’.”

Research and Statistics

APA Online Psychology Laboratory 
Highly interactive resources for the teaching of psychological science. The peer-reviewed materials include online studies and correlational studies, large data sets, demonstrations, and teaching aids.

Khan Academy
A library of over 2400 brief instructional videos on topics including statistics, probability, algebra, developmental math, and biology. Potentially useful for review of math  and statistical skills.

Open Stats Lab
This website provides links to articles published in Psychological Science, their associated open data sets, and assignments for undergraduate students that involve analyses matching those in the original articles. Using the data from published articles allows students to match their statistical outcomes with those reported in the publications. Activities include t-tests, correlation, regression, one-way ANOVA, and factorial ANOVA in both SPSS and .csv formats.

This website focuses on Psychological Research Methods/Statistics and provides handouts and instructions for interesting activities (e.g., observational coding activity of Sponge Bob Square Pants) that aid in helping students understand course related content. The activities are submitted by instructors and are peer-reviewed before placement on the website.

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