Teaching Take-Out

Electronic Resources

The Psych Files
A podcast series hosted by Michael A. Britt, Ph.D. The Psych Files is aimed at anyone curious about human behavior; students taking a course in psychology, those majoring in psychology, and instructors of psychology will find the podcast particularly of interest.

ToPIX: Teaching of Psychology wiki
OTRP Teaching of Psychology Idea Exchange.  A wiki for teachers of any course in psychology.


Youtube provides an immense variety of video clips from college and university psychology instructors.

Abnormal Psychology

Alcohol, Drugs, and Behavior

Animal Psychology

Careers in Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Experimental Psychology

Health Psychology

History of Psychology

Human Sexuality

Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Perceptual Psychology

Personality Psychology

Physiological Psychology

Psychological Testing

Psychology of Gender



School Psychology

Social Psychology

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