Recent Publications

Recent Publications (*denotes Dr. Robinson's student)

*Clawson, A. H., Robinson, L. A., & Berlin, K. S. (under review). The associations between adolescent smoking trajectories and physician communication about tobacco, sex, and race in a primarily African American sample.

*Clawson, A. H., Robinson, L. A., & *Ali, J. (under review). Physician advice to adolescents about smoking: who gets advised and who benefits most?

*Farrell, A. S., Robinson, L. A., & *Ali, J. S. (under review). How do young adults define smoking? A study of individual differences.

*Yurasek, A., Robinson, L. A., & Parra, G. (in press). Ethnic and gender differences in strategies used by adolescents when attempting to quit or reduce smoking. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse.

*Alexander, A. C., Robinson, L. A., Ward, K. D., Farrell, A. S., & Ferkin, A. C. (in press). Religious beliefs against smoking among Black and White urban youth. Journal of Religion and Health.

Robinson, L. A., *Clawson, A. H., Weinberg, J. A., *Salgado-Garica, F. I., & Ali, J. S. (2015). Physician intervention for improving tobacco control among parents who use tobacco. Clinical Pediatrics, 1-7. doi:10.1177/0009922814567304.

Robinson, L.A., *Clawson, A. H., Weinberg, J., & *Salgado-Garcia, F. (2012). The results of a feasibility study of pediatricians' impact on parental control of tobacco products. Published in annual American Academy of Pediatrics research summary.

*Kahalley, L. S., Robinson, L. A., Tyc, V. L., Hudson, M. M., Leisenring, W., Stratton, K., et al. (2012). Risk factors for smoking among adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the childhood cancer survivor study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 58, 428

*Hum, A. M., Robinson, L. A., *Jackson, A. A., & Ali, K. S. (2011). Physician communication about smoking and tobacco use. Pediatrics. 127(6): e1368-74

*Dalton, W. T., III, Klesges, L. M., Henderson, L., Somes, G., Robinson, L. A., & Johnson, K.C. (2010). Gender, smoking status, and risk behavior attitudes explain adolescents' patterns of nicotine replacement therapy use. Addictive Behaviors, 35, 147-151.

*Kahalley, L. S., Robinson, L. A., Tyc, V. L., Hudson, M. M., Leisenring, W., Stratton, K., et al. (2010). Attentional and executive dysfunction as predictors of smoking within the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 12, 344-354.

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