Center for Health Promotion and Evaluation (CHPE)

Leslie Robinson

Leslie A. Robinson, Ph.D. (Director)

Associate Professor
Psychology Building, Room 334
901.678.1667 (telephone)
901.678.2579 (fax)

My academic career began with a B.A. in psychology from Rhodes College. I then accepted a Fulbright-Hays Full Grant to study the development of psychology as a scientific paradigm at Georg August Universitaet in Germany. I completed my M.S. in clinical psychology at Florida State University (1981) and my Ph.D. in clinical psychology at The University of Memphis (1990). During my graduate training, I sub-specialized in clinical health psychology and statistics and research methods.

After my internship, I accepted a position at Baptist Hospital as a clinical psychologist serving medical/surgical patients, such as those with head trauma, spinal cord injuries, pulmonary illnesses, and various other disorders. Following several years of clinical work, I spent a decade as a researcher in a grant center at the University of Memphis. Overall, I've garnered about $9 million as Principal Investigator or Co-PI in research grants, primarily from NIH and private foundations.

In 2002 I accepted a tenured position in the Psychology Department, where I served as Director of Clinical Training from 2009 – 2012. I am currently Director of the Clinical Health area. Nationally, I am a board member of the Council of Clinical Health Psychology Training Programs, the organization setting standards for training in clinical health psychology. I am also a frequent reviewer for NIH and TRDRP study sections, and I serve as a board member for the Tennessee Psychological Association.

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