M. David Rudd, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Psychology

Office Hours
M. David Rudd, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology

Dr. Rudd plans to admit a doctoral student for Fall 2025 admission.


Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin 
M.A., University of Texas, Austin 
B.A., Princeton University 

Research Interests

  • Clinical Assessment, Management and Treatment of Suicide Risk
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Cognitive Therapy

Recent Publications


Bryan, C., & Rudd, M. D. (2011). Suicide Risk in Primary Care. New York: Springer Publishing.

Conner, K., Carruth, B., Joe, S., Rudd, M. D., Teal, B. M., & Wines, J. D. (2009). Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors with Clients in Substance Abuse Treatment. Washington, DC: Department of Health and Human Services (SAMHSA Treatment Improvement Protocol 50).

Joiner, T. E., Witte, T., VanOrden, K., & Rudd, M. D. (2009). Clinical Work with Suicidal Patients: The Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidality as Guide. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Rudd, M. D., Joiner, T. E., & Rajab, M. H. (2004). Treating Suicidal Behavior. Guilford Publications: New York.

Rudd, M. D. (2006). Assessing and Managing Suicidality: A Pocket Guide. Sarasota: Professional Resource Press.

Book Chapters

Bryan, C. J., & Rudd, M. D. (2015). Treating suicide risk in military settings. In C. J. Bryan (Ed.), Veterans and Suicide.

Bryan, C. J., & Rudd, M. D. (2015). Suicidal behavior among military personnel and veterans. In C. J. Bryan (Ed.), Veterans and Suicide.

Rudd, M. D. (2014). Core competencies, warning signs, and a framework for suicide risk assessment in clinical practice. In M. Nock (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Suicide and Self-Injury (pp. 323-336). London: Oxford University Press.

Rudd, M.D. (2013). Suicide in the military. In B. A. Moore and J. Barnett (Eds.), Military Psychologists' Desk Reference (pp.143-147). London: Oxford University Press.

Journal Articles

Rudd, M. D., Bryan, C. J, Wertenberger, E., Peterson, A., Young-McCaughan, S., Mintz, J., Williams, S., Arner, K., Breitbach, J., Delano, K., Wilkinson, E., & Bruce, T. (2015). BCBT reduces post-treatment suicide attempts. American Journal of Psychiatry, Published online: February 13, 2015. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14070843

Bryan, C. J., Clemens, T. A., Leeson, B., & Rudd, M. D. (2015). Acute versus chronic stressors, multiple suicide attempts, and persistent suicidal ideation in U.S. Soldiers. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

Bryan, C. J., Rudd, M. D., Wertenberger, E., Young-McCaughon, S., & Peterson, A. (2015). Nonsuicidal self-injury as a prospective predictor of suicide attempts in a clinical sample of military personnel. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Published online: July 10, 2014. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2014.07.009

Ribeiro, J. D., Buchman, B. A., Bender, T. W., Nock, M. K., Rudd, M. D., Bryan, C. J., Lim, I. C., Baker, M. T., Knight, C., & Joiner, T. E. (2014). An investigation of interactive effects of the acquired capability for suicide and acute agitation on suicidality in a military sample. Depression and Anxiety. Article first published online: February 22, 2014. doi:10.1002/da.22240.

Bryan, C. J., Rudd, M. D., Wertenberger, E., Etienne, N., Ray-Sannerud, B. N., Morrow, C. E., Peterson, A. L., Young-McCaughon, S. (2014). Improving the detection and prediction of suicidal behavior among military personnel by measuring suicidal beliefs: An evaluation of the Suicide Cognitions Scale. Journal of Affective Disorders, 159: 15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.02.021. Epub February 19, 2014.

Rudd, M. D. (2014). An effective model for managing teen suicide risk. PsycCritiques, 59 (26), Article 3.

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