Graduate Programs

The Department of Psychology is home to five Graduate Programs:

Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
• Research interest areas in Child and Family Studies, Clinical Health Psychology, and Psychotherapy Research
• Accredited by the American Psychological Association
Director: Dr. Leslie Robinson, lrobinso@memphis.edu
Application Deadline: December 1

Doctoral Program in Experimental Psychology
• Research interest areas in Behavioral Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology
• Director: Dr. Helen Sable, hjsable@memphis.edu
• Application Deadline: December 1

Doctoral Program in School Psychology
• Accredited by the American Psychological Association
Director: Dr. Beth Meisinger, bmsinger@memphis.edu   
Application Deadline: December 1

Master's Degree Program in General Psychology
Director: Dr. Gina Caucci, gcaucci@memphis.edu
Application Deadline: May 1

Master of Arts Program/ Educational Specialist Program in School Psychology
• Approved by the National Association of School Psychologists
Director: Dr. Ryan Farmer, rlfarmer@memphis.edu
• Application Deadline: March 1 (early admission) and May 1

The Department of Psychology at the University of Memphis:

• is a Center of Excellence in the State of Tennessee with over 30 full-time faculty
• provides a minimum of four years of assistantship funding, a tuition waiver, and a health plan to students in the doctoral programs
• provides office space and conference travel funds to graduate students
• fosters involvement in research during students' first year while developing individual research projects with their primary mentor and other faculty
• has extensive collaborative research and training opportunities in the following settings: the Institute of Intelligent Systems in the FedEx Institute of Technology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the University of Tennessee Health Sciences in Memphis, Shelby County Schools, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare, the Memphis VA Medical Center, and Shelby County Head Start.

Issues of Licensure. Please note that both the Clinical Doctoral Program and the School Psychology Programs in the Department of Psychology may lead to professional licensure. The following questions relate to your potential ability to receive licensure.

1.     Have you ever been convicted of a felony or crime(s) other than minor traffic offenses?

2.     Have you ever been denied licensure for the profession for which you might apply for licensure or had discipline imposed by another state's licensing board?

3.     Have you ever had a civil suit judgment entered against you or entered into an adverse civil settlement?  If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, it is possible that you may be denied licensure at the conclusion of the degree program to which you are applying.  Please review the licensure requirements specific to the discipline by contacting the specific licensing board.  It is your responsibility to understand the criteria necessary for licensure and to ensure compliance with those criteria.  

If you have any questions about the licensure requirements and your ability to be licensed, please contact:
Clinical Program: Dr. Leslie Robinson, lrobinso@memphis.edu
School Program: Dr. Beth Meisinger, bmsinger@memphis.edu  

Also, you should be aware that criminal convictions may make you ineligible to participate in practicum experiences included in your program. As a result of an inability to participate in these practicum experiences, you will unable to successfully meet program requirements and may be removed from the program. Your signature on the application will serve as your acknowledgment that you have answered the above questions truthfully and that you are aware that certain factors may prevent your eligibility for licensure.

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