Psychology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee

The University of Memphis Department of Psychology seeks to understand and address issues of culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, generation, sexual orientation, national origin, privilege, race, and different views on religion in education, policy, research, practice, recruitment, and retention of diverse populations. In this, it strives to offer resources that promote goals of cultural humility, mutual respect, and social justice at the level of the department, university, and broader community.

The Department of Psychology endorses the American Psychological Association's policies and recommendations regarding these diversity issues, as evident in the following sources:

The Psychology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is charged with organizing and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the Department of Psychology. Four such initiatives include the Welcoming Diversity Forum, the Welcoming Diversity Colloquium Series, the ALANA Group, and the LGBTQ+ Task Force. The department was also among the first in the nation to sponsor the I Am Psyched! National Tour Exhibit, which focuses on women of color psychologists.

Committee Members

The Psychology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is composed of both faculty and student members.

Dr. Mollie Anderson, committee co-chair
Email: mbandrsn@memphis.edu

Dr. Jia Wei Zhang, committee co-chair
Email: jzhang11@memphis.edu