Faculty Internship Instructors

The following list are the Faculty Internship Instructors who review internship applications for approval.

Instructors by Department

Department Faculty Email
Accounting Mr. Jeff Nevels jmnevels@memphis.edu
Economics Dr. William Smith wtsmith@memphis.edu
Entrpreneurship Dr. Stephen E. Lanivich S.Lanivich@memphis.edu
Finance Dr. Konstantin Sokolov ksokolov@memphis.edu
Management & International Business Dr. Kathy Tuberville ktbrvlle@memphis.edu
Management Information Systems Dr. Sandra Richardson sandra.richardson@memphis.edu
Marketing Dr. John Cicala j.cicala@memphis.edu
Sales Minor Dr. John Cicala j.cicala@memphis.edu 
Social Media Minor Dr. Tracy Cosenza trickman@memphis.edu
Supply Chain Management Dr. Ernest Nichols enichols@memphis.edu