Contract Monitoring Plan

The University’s Contract Monitoring Plan complies with the requirements of the contract monitoring statute TCA §12-3-305 regarding management of service contracts. To satisfy this new requirement, the Contract/Agreement Routing Form has been revised to require a departmental monitor, along with the frequency of checks by the monitor when submitting a contract to Procurement and Contract Services for review.  The monitor must have sufficient authority and expertise to identify and take action when contract problems arise. After approval of the service contract, a Contract Monitoring Form will be returned, along with the approved contract and purchase order, to the person specified as the contract monitor on the Contract/Agreement Routing Form. The monitor should use the Contract Monitoring Form to ensure:

  1. That deliverables are received;
  2. financial obligation of the University does not exceed the contract pricing; and
  3. services are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

For audit purposes, the final responsibility for administering, reviewing and documenting the performance of each service contract shall be maintained in the files of the department procuring the service.

Contract/Agreement Routing Form
Contract Monitoring Form

If you have questions about this new requirement, please contact Procurement and Contract Services at 2265.