Hobson Retain Message Reviews

Project Scope:
Review current practices and processes of creating and sending messages through Hobson’s Retain; review the population of messages sent to students via that tool for content and clarity; revise and consolidate messages where applicable and in consultation with the appropriate office; determine appropriate delivery schedules (i.e., should messages only be sent weekly?); develop recommendations for wider sharing of effective messages currently being used by a single department, college, or other unit; establish an ongoing structure for message review after the team’s work is concluded; develop and disseminate a guide documenting how to best use Hobson’s Retain; incorporate best practices from other institutions to the extent practical.


"AS IS" (Current State)

"TO BE" Mapping (Future State)

Project Updates:

Project Team:

Phone: 901.678.2213  |   E-mail: processimprovement@memphis.edu