President's Council

View the Operating Principles of the President's Council

Stephanie BeasleyStephanie Beasley
Chief of Staff
Phone: 901.678.5021
Fax: 901.678.5065
E-mail: sbeasly1@memphis.edu
Office: 341 Administration Building
Office of the President

Stephanie Beasley works directly with the President in the development and implementation of strategic initiatives that support the University’s vision. She works with the leadership team to coordinate and track projects and assists in framing and advancing key initiatives. Beasley also oversees all operations of the Office of the President.

Lynda BlackLynda Wray Black
Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA
Phone: 901.678.3225
E-mail: l.black@memphis.edu
Office: 360 Law School
Faculty Athletics Committee

Professor Black serves as the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) to the NCAA and is an Associate Professor of Law at the University’s Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law. She is the liaison between the University and the Athletics Department, working closely with Athletics to develop and implement policies which improve the student-athlete experience.

Dr. Rick BloomerRick Bloomer
Senior Serving Dean, College of Health Sciences and Interim Chief Operating Officer at UofM Lambuth
E-mail: rbloomer@memphis.edu
Office: Fieldhouse 106
College of Health Sciences

Dr. Richard Bloomer joined the faculty of the University of Memphis as an assistant professor in 2004, having held prior positions at Duke University Medical Center and Wake Forest University. He currently serves as dean of the College of Health Sciences and the R. Brad Martin Student Wellness Center. He holds the rank of professor and directs both the Cardiorespiratory/Metabolic Laboratory and the Center for Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplement Research. He has specific expertise in the area of oxidative stress and antioxidant therapy, as well as in the use of dietary supplements for purposes of improving various aspects of health. Dr. Bloomer has served as a consultant to multiple nutraceutical and dietary supplement companies within the U.S. and abroad, and has been an invited guest on radio programs nationwide to discuss his research. He has written well over 100 health related articles for various online and print media targeted at non-scientific audiences.

Ron BrooksRon Brooks
Vice President for Physical Plant
Phone: 901.678.2077
E-mail: rbrooks@memphis.edu
Office: 223 Herzog Building
Physical Plant

Ron Brooks has responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the physical facilities, building services and landscape operations. Also, he is responsible for space planning and utilization, sustainability, rental property, pest control, and surplus property management. Physical Plant provides services in 239 buildings at eight locations and employs more than 300 men and women to serve the needs of the faculty, staff and students. Brooks is a Professional Engineer licensed in Illinois and Tennessee. He holds both a bachelor's and master's degree in civil engineering. He has held leadership roles in the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA), the Southeastern Regional Association of Physical Plant Administrators (SRAPPA) and the Tennessee Association of Physical Plant Administrators (TNAPPA).

Rene BustamanteRene Bustamante
Executive Vice President, Chief Operating and Chief Financial Officer
E-mail: rbustmnt@memphis.edu
367 Administration Building
Division of Business and Finance

Rene Bustamante leads the University's Division of Business and Finance which consists of the areas of Finance, Human Resources and Business Services, and also oversees the departments of Physical Plant, Police Services and Campus Planning and Design. He has responsibility for ensuring that the University's fiscal resources are managed responsibly and appropriately. Bustamante evaluates and advises on the impact of short- and long-range planning and the introduction and/or enhancement of programs and strategies by providing financial input and leadership on decision-making issues affecting the organization. He also oversees the implementation of innovative and proactive programs and services responding to the changing needs and requirements of the University’s financial, business services and human resources functions.

Melinda CarlsonMelinda Carlson
Vice President for Student Affairs
E-mail: melinda.carlson@memphis.edu
Division of Student Affairs

Melinda Carlson serves as the Vice President for Student Affairs. In this role, she is responsible for the overall leadership of the Division of Student Affairs. Carlson works collaboratively with the deans of the colleges to create a campus culture that promotes student success while providing a safe and welcoming campus environment for a diverse student body and fostering a sense of community among the students.  

Colton CockrumColton Cockrum
Senior Associate Vice Provost, Institutional Effectiveness
Phone: 901.678.4715
E-mail: ccockrum@memphis.edu   
Office: 217 Administration Building

Dr. Colton Cockrum leads the University’s Institutional Effectiveness office. In this role, he oversees the institution’s compliance with all standards and core requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges and serves as the University’s accreditation liaison. Additionally, Dr. Cockrum helps the institution fulfill all of the requirements of Quality Assurance Funding, which is a part of the state’s outcomes based funding formula. He oversees the submission of data for university rankings including U.S. News and World Report and Times Higher Education surveys.

Bridgette DecentBridgette Decent
Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Analytics
E-mail: bdecent@memphis.edu
Office: 216 Administration Building
Office of Institutional Research

Dr. Bridgette Decent leads the University’s Office of Institutional Research and provides support for business intelligence, analytics and reporting across the institution. Dr. Decent provides expertise in predictive analytics, data modeling and using data for strategic planning.


Jeff DelaneyDr. Jeff Delaney
Chief Information Officer
E-mail: Jeff.Delaney@memphis.edu
Office: 377 Administration Building
Information Technology Services

As Chief Information Officer, Dr. Jeff Delaney leads Information Technology Services (ITS) and is responsible for IT strategic planning, policy recommendations, information security and governance. He ensures ITS meets academic and administrative computing needs through oversight of the ITS Service Desk, Network Services, Telecommunications and Data Center Operations, Desktop Support, Enterprise Infrastructure Services, Research Computing and Business Integration Services, Data Services Administration and Web and Mobile Services.


Dr. Jasbir DhaliwalJasbir Dhaliwal
Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation
E-mail: jdhaliwl@memphis.edu
FedEx Institute of Technology   |   Division of Research and Innovation

Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal is responsible for the planning and implementation of the University’s strategic research plan. As chief research and innovation officer, he leads all efforts relating to the University’s goal of being an internationally recognized research institution with the highest level of research activity with a special focus on leading through innovation in relation to its urban metropolitan context. This includes serving as the executive director of the FedEx Institute of Technology which, as the front door to the university's research capabilities and infrastructure, promotes interdisciplinary research clusters, corporate engagement and technology commercialization. Dr. Dhaliwal also leads strategic innovation priorities for the President's Office to modernize the University's academic and research culture.

Michele EhrhartMichele Ehrhart
Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer
E-mail: mehrhart@memphis.edu
Office: 308 Administration Building
Marketing and Communications | University Programs & Special Projects

As Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Michele Ehrhart is an experienced professional in the field of marketing and communications, with a keen understanding of brand strategy, digital marketing and public relations, using a results-oriented approach and a commitment to excellence.  

Michael HaggeMichael Hagge
Senior Serving Chair (Department of Architecture)
Phone: 901.678.2677
E-mail: mdhagge@memphis.edu
Office: Jones - Room 404C
Department of Architecture

Michael Hagge is a professor and chair of the Department of Architecture. Hagge has more than 30 years of experience in the studio and classroom. Much of his work in architecture, urban design and city planning has focused on quality-of-life issues for disenfranchised populations and "giving back" to the community. Hagge also serves as faculty co-advisor to the UofM chapter of the American Institute of Architecture Students and Tau Sigma Delta, the national architecture honor society.

photo coming soonChristopher Harris
Graduate Student Association President
E-mail: cdhrrs15@memphis.edu
Graduate School Association

As Graduate Student Association President, Christopher Harris oversees five Executive Board members, General Assembly representatives from every college and more than 2,200 members. While the GSA is a registered student organization (RSO), it is also the official liaison between graduate students and the graduate school.


Dr. Tara JonesDr. Tara Jones
Senior Vice President for University Advancement
E-mail: Tara.Jones@memphis.edu
Office: 320 Administration Building
University Advancement   |   Alumni Association

Dr. Tara Jones leads the Advancement Office and the Office of Alumni and Constituent Relations, which work to advance the mission of the University and enrich its future by securing philanthropic support for academic initiatives university-wide. This is accomplished by fostering donor-centered relationships with alumni, friends and organizations. The Development Office includes annual giving, major giving, planned giving, corporate and foundation relations, donor relations and advancement services. Alumni and Constituent Relations maintains the connection between the University and its alumni and friends, fostering lifelong relationships and involvement through the UofM Alumni Association.

Dr. Brian W. MeredithDr. Brian W. Meredith
Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management
E-mail: bmeredth@memphis.edu
Office: 200 Wilder Tower
Enrollment Management

As Interim Vice President for Enrollment Management, Dr. Brian W. Meredith oversees the offices of Undergraduate Admissions, Recruitment, New Student Orientation, Financial Aid, Scholarship and the Registrar.


Ken MoodyKen Moody
Executive Director, Governmental and Community Affairs
E-mail: kmoody@memphis.edu
Office: 322 Administration Building
Office of Governmental and Community Affairs

Ken Moody is responsible for leading the University's government relations and policy efforts at the local, state and federal government levels. His team monitors and advocates legislation on higher education policy issues.


Melanie MurryMelanie Murry
University Counsel
E-mail: mmurry@memphis.edu
Office: 201 Administration Building
Office of Legal Counsel

Melanie Murry is responsible for the legal work of the University, which includes a broad array of issues from contracts to employment matters to intellectual property. She is assisted by the employees of the Office of Legal Counsel, which she manages. The mission of the office is to provide timely and competent legal assistance to all areas of the University and to assist the University in accomplishing its mission.

DeAnna Owens-MosbyDeAnna Ownes-Mosby
Faculty Senate President
Email: dgish@memphis.edu 
Office: 382 Administration Building
Faculty Senate

As president of the Faculty Senate, DeAnna Owens-Mosby leads 44 senators representing departments, independent units and areas across the University. Faculty Senate serves as a forum for the formulation of faculty opinion, a University-wide voice for faculty views and the primary vehicle for faculty participation in University governance. 

Dr. Sally Gates ParishDr. Sally Gates Parish
Vice Provost & Director of Schools
Phone: 901.678.5510
E-mail: sally.parish@memphis.edu
Office: 946 E Park Loop, V Rawlins Service Ct, Ste 209
University Schools - An Innovative School District

Dr. Sally Gates Parish serves as Vice Provost & Director of Schools. She oversees University Schools, the state’s first Innovative School District, which serves more than 1,000 students from all 36 zip codes across Memphis and Shelby County. University Schools enroll children from 6 weeks of age through high school, and have no academic requirement for entry, yet consistently rank in the top 5% of all K-12 schools in Tennessee. University Schools also provide meaningful laboratory research and teacher and practitioner training opportunities for UofM faculty, staff and students from every academic college on campus.

Dr. David RussomannoDr. David Russomanno 
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
E-mail: drussmnn@memphis.edu 
Office: 360 Administration Building
Academic Affairs

Dr. David J. Russomanno serves as Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. As chief academic officer of the University, he is responsible for ensuring that the University's missions are successfully implemented through teaching, research and service. Dr. Russomanno works closely with the deans and directors of the academic areas to ensure that the university recruits and retains high-quality faculty who offer optimal student experiences.

Dr. Ed ScottDr. Ed Scott
Senior Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Email: e.scott@memphis.edu 
Office: Athletic Office Building
UofM Athletics

Dr. Ed Scott has the responsibility for oversight of all intercollegiate sports associated with the University. He has responsibility for all University-owned intercollegiate athletic facilities and works with FedExForum. In addition, Dr. Scott has responsibility for negotiating contracts and fund-raising for the division.

Photo coming soonSamuel Warren
Student Government Association President
Phone: 901.678.2051
Email: sjwrren1@memphis.edu
Office: 214 University Center
Student Government Association

As Student Body President, Samuel Warren leads more than 34 senators representing different colleges, and at-large positions across the University of Memphis, Lambuth, Law and Nursing campuses. His responsibilities consist of amplifying the student body's voice, and working hand in hand with students, faculty and alumni to better the collegiate experiences for all associate, undergrad and grad students attending the University of Memphis. He also assists each senator in the Senate Chamber create bills to improve the campus environment for current students and visitors.

Nat YoungbloodNat Youngblood
Staff Senate President
Phone: 901.678.5320
E-mail: cyongbld@memphis.edu
Office: 309 Herzog
Staff Senate

Nat Youngblood serves the University as a Facilities Management Specialist for Campus Planning + Design. He is a University of Memphis graduate and native Memphian with over 15 years of experience in the construction field. As Staff Senate President, Nat leads 50 senators that represent the interests of more than 1,500 full-time employees and serves as advisor to President Hardgrave for all Staff related matters.

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