Access Control/Audit Frequently Asked Questions

The frequently asked questions in this section are specific to Access Control System and Audit. If you have any questions not identified below please email Physical Plant Work Control.


General Access Control Questions


The Access Control System was created to eliminate paper requests for key, card or fob access to buildings and office space. Requests are submitted electronically and systematically routes to the appropriate approver. Approvers are notified via email.

The URL to the Access Control System is http://umwa.memphis.edu/eaccess/cas and is also accessible via the MyMemphis portal.

What types of requests can I submit?

  • Keys: New, Replace, Reassign, Temporary Vendor Access, Return Unused
  • Fobs: New, Replace, Reassign, Add or Remove Access, Deactivate
  • Cards: Add or Remover Access, Deactivate
  • Locks: New, Change, Repair

Yes, vendors can receive a key on a temporary basis. Originators will be responsible for picking up, managing, and returning the key.

The person who has the device in their inventory is responsible for the management of the keys and maintaining records if they have loaned the key to another person.

The person who has the device in their possession is responsible for its safekeeping.

  • Main Campus: Return key(s) to the Physical Plant Work Control desk located in the Herzog building. They will assist you in the return process.
  • Lambuth Campus: Return key(s) to Police Services in the Carney Johnston Building. They will assist you in the return process. A Physical Plant staff member will pick up and return the keys to the main campus.

Contact Physical Plant Work Control 901.678.2699 or email workcontrol@memphis.edu.

No, per grant agreements these types of expenses cannot be charged to a grant account.

Yes, you can submit a request on behalf of sohttps://a.cms.omniupdate.com/11/#memphis/main/www/preview/pp/access_faq.pcfmeone else. The device will be loaded into their inventory.

Updating Your Inventory

If you gave the key to another individual, it needs to be reassigned to the person who now possesses the key.

  • Login to the system and select 'Your Inventory' on the Menu Bar
  • Scroll down to the key to be reassigned and click on the 'Reassign' button and enter the individual's username (not Banner number).
  • Click 'Reassign'


Reassign the key to your Financial Manager and hand them the key.

  • Login to the system and select 'Your Inventory' on the Menu Bar
  • Scroll down to the key to be reassigned and click on the 'Reassign' button and enter the individual's username (not Banner number).
  • Click 'Reassign'
  • An email notification will be sent to your Manager.

To report a key or fob lost:

  • Login to the system and select 'Your Inventory' on the Menu Bar
  • Scroll down to the key that is lost and click on the 'Report Lost' button.
  • Pop-up screen appears for you to validate it the correct key to report lost, Click 'Report Lost'
  • Police Services will be notified and will contact you to make an official report per Policy GE2009.

If the key needs to be replaced:

  • Return to 'Home'
  • Select Originator Role
  • Click 'Begin a new Access Request'
  • Select 'Key (New or Replace) and complete the form.

  • Main Campus: Return key(s) to the Physical Plant Work Control desk located in the Herzog building. They will assist you in the return process.
  • Lambuth Campus: Return key(s) to Police Services in the Carney Johnston Building. They will assist you in the return process. A Physical Plant staff member will pick up and return the keys to the main campus.

If you never had possession of the key listed, you can dispute the key by following these directions:

  • Click the Excel button to export your inventory list
  • Print the list, and circle the disputed item(s)
  • Bring the list to the Physical Plant Work Control desk /li>
  • There, complete a key dispute form to remove the item from your inventory
  • After investigation, the key will be removed from your inventory
  • This process may take 5 - 10 business days to complete.

Annual Audit

Policy GE2009 requires anyone who has access to university spaces must complete an annual audit.

All employees and students who have access to buildings or office space via keys, fobs or card access. Employees who do not possess any access devices will also need to complete the annual audit to validate there are no devices assigned to them.

If you do not have possession of a key, fob or have card access, you still must complete the annual audit.

  • Login to the system and select 'Your Inventory' on the Menu Bar
  • When your inventory page is displayed, scroll down and click 'Confirm'

Financial managers validate that the employees/students listed in their department list (those that are being paid from their org) have a business reason for access to the building/office space. If the employee works for another department, contact that financial manager to verify access is needed.

Until all employees/students listed in your department org have completed their own audit, you cannot complete the department audit. Contact the person to complete their audit.