Dursun Peksen


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Dursun Peksen, Dunavant Professor


Dr. Dursun Peksen is Professor of Political Science. He has several published or forthcoming articles on economic sanctions, armed interventions, human rights, political violence, and democratization. His articles have appeared or are forthcoming in several prestigious journals such as Journal of Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, Political Research Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations, Word Development, and International Interactions. Dr. Peksen's teaching areas include foreign policy analysis, human rights, political violence, international political economy, security studies, introduction to political research, and research design and data analysis.

Research Interests

Foreign policy; International Political Economy; Economic sanctions; Human rights (women's rights, labor rights); Military intervention

Teaching Interests

Foreign policy analysis; Human rights; International political economy; Security studies; Introduction to political research; Research design and data analysis.


Ph.D., University of Missouri 2008; MA, University of Indianapolis 2003; BA, Marmara University (Istanbul, Turkey) 2001

Sample Publications 

  • "Domestic Institutional Constraints, Veto Players, and Sanction Effectiveness." Journal of Conflict Resolution (with Jin Mun Jeong, 2018).
  • "Successful or Counterproductive Coercion? The Effect of International Sanctions on Conflict Intensity," Journal of Conflict Resolution (with Lisa Hultman, 2017).
  • "Economic Liberalization, Market Institutions, and Labor Rights," European Journal of Political Research (with Robert Blanton, 2016)
  • "Financial Crises and Labor: Does Tight Money Loosen Labor Rights?" World Development (with Robert Blanton and Shannon Blanton, 2015)
  • "The Impact of Human Rights INGO Shaming on Humanitarian Intervention," Journal of Politics (with Amanda Murdie, 2014).
  • "Media-driven Humanitarianism? News Media Coverage of Human Rights Abuses and the Use of Economic Sanctions," International Studies Quarterly (with Tim Peterson and Cooper Drury, 2014).
  • "Women and Economic Statecraft: The Negative Impact Economic Sanctions Visit on Women," European Journal of International Relations (with Cooper Drury, 2013).
  • "Does Foreign Military Intervention Help Human Rights?," Political Research Quarterly(2012).
  • "Can States Buy Peace? Social Welfare Spending and Civil Conflicts," Journal of Peace Research (with Zeynep Taydas, 2012).
  • "Better or Worse? The Effect of Economic Sanctions on Human Rights," Journal of Peace Research (2009).


Associate Professor in Department of Political Science, University of Memphis (2014-2018); Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science, University of Memphis (2012-2014); Assistant Professor in Department of Political Science, East Carolina University (2008-2012); Associate Editor for Foreign Policy Analysis (2014-present); Graduate Retention Coordinator for Political Science (2013-present)

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