Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Political Science Graduate (MA) Program

How long does it take to complete the graduate program?

The program is designed to be completed in two years for full-time students. Part-time enrollment is also available, allowing students to progress at a more flexible pace.

Are courses offered online?

No. All coursework is conducted in person. Students must attend classes on campus.

Is the GRE required for admission?

No, the GRE is not required. Submission of GRE scores is optional and will not impact your application negatively if omitted.

Can I apply for a fee waiver?

Yes, applicants may request a fee waiver. To be considered, you must submit a copy of your most recent transcript and a CV to our Graduate Recruitment Coordinator, Dr. Derefe Chevannes (gradrecruitpolisci@memphis.edu) by January 31st. However, please note that fee waivers are granted on a limited basis. Once we reach our maximum allocation of 5, additional requests will not be reviewed. The sooner you apply, then, the better your chance of getting a fee waiver.  If you do receive a fee waiver, you must apply for that application cycle or your fee waiver will not be honored during the next cycle.

Do I need to have my transcripts evaluated by an external service?

No. Our Graduate School conducts all necessary evaluations of transcripts. Applicants do not need to seek external credential evaluations.

Does the department offer graduate assistantships?

Yes. Graduate assistantships (GAs) provide full tuition coverage, a monthly stipend, and graduate student health insurance. These positions are competitive and awarded based on a holistic review of applicants' qualifications.

If I don’t receive a graduate assistantship, are there other internships or employment opportunities available through the department or the University?

The department of political science cannot offer other employment opportunities to graduate students, but you may search for possible University jobs at: https://www.memphis.edu/careerservices/tigerlink.php

What are my chances of receiving a graduate assistantship?

Graduate assistantships are highly competitive and awarded based on a comprehensive evaluation of each application. This includes transcripts, letters of recommendation, the personal statement, and other relevant materials. The only way to determine eligibility is to apply.

Is there a priority deadline for graduate assistantships?

All applications received by January 31 will be guaranteed full consideration for assistantship opportunities.

Do I need to submit an English proficiency test result?

If the official and native language of your country is English, you are not required to submit an English proficiency test. However, if English is not your country’s primary language, you must provide valid English proficiency exam results (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, or an equivalent test). 

For additional information, please see: https://www.memphis.edu/graduateadmissions/future/admission-requirements.php

Where should I submit my letters of recommendation (LORs)?

All letters of recommendation must be uploaded directly into the online application portal. Recommenders will receive instructions on how to submit their letters upon your request within the system.

Do I need to contact faculty for graduate supervision before applying?

The Department does not have any additional credentialing requirements above and beyond the Graduate School requirements. Please direct all questions about transcript credentialing to the Graduate School.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions about the program or my application?

If you have not yet applied, but have questions about the program or application process, contact our Graduate Recruitment Coordinator, Dr. Derefe Chevannes, at gradrecruitpolisci@memphis.edu

If you have already applied or been accepted and have questions about next steps, contact our Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Sharon Stanley, at graddirectorpolisci@memphis.edu .

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