Frequently Asked Questions

How do I update my major or minor?

Email your advisor and let them know what changes you would like to make.

Ebony Dawkins: endawkns@memphis.edu

Jeff Leedham: jleedham@memphis.edu

When can I register for classes?

Check the U of M’s Semester Dates & Deadline Calendar found here: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/calendars/

How do I register for classes? Follow the instructions found here: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/register/

What is an “Alternate PIN,” and can you give me one?

The “Alternate PIN” is the clearance code that allows you to register for classes. This can only be entered by your academic advisor. In or to have your Alternate PIN cleared you will need to meet with your Academic Advisor.

Can I drop a class?

Well, it depends. First, check the U of M’s Semester Dates & Deadline Calendar found here: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/calendars/

There are two deadlines to know about. The first is the “Drop” deadline. This comes early in the semester. It is the last day that you can remove a class from your schedule without the change appearing on your transcript. You can still “Withdraw” from a class up until the withdrawal deadline. If you withdraw from a course, the class will still appear on your transcript with a “W” grade entered. A “W” has no impact on your GPA.

If it is after the withdrawal deadline, you will need to seek a Late / Retroactive Withdrawal. More information on that can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/registrar/students/records/late-retroactive-withdrawal.php

Note: Dropping or withdrawing from any course can impact your financial aid. Be sure to consult the Final Aid office before you take any action. You can contact them here: https://www.memphis.edu/financialaid/contact/index.php

Do I really have to take _____?

Chances are, if you’re asking this question, “Yes.” If you feel you might be able to test out of a course, you can always try taking a CLEP exam instead. Information on CLEP exams can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/testing/services/clep.php

Do I really have to take a foreign language?

Yes. The College of Arts and Sciences requires all students earning a B.A. to complete a foreign language through the Intermediate level (2020).

If you are already fluent in another language or think you might be able to test into a higher-level foreign language, you may take a Language Placement Test instead. Information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/wll/student-resources/placement-testing.php

What scholarships are available?

First, be sure you have completed your FAFSA and applied for financial aid. You can find a complete list of scholarships offered by the University of Memphis here: https://www.memphis.edu/scholarships/

Does the Department of Political Science offer any scholarships?

In fact, we do. The Lisa Huffstetler Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually. For more information click here: https://memphis.academicworks.com/opportunities/18090

What internships are available?

Lots. Check out TigerLink to find internship and career opportunities. Information can be found here: https://www.memphis.edu/careerservices/tigerlink.php

The department of Political Science also has several internship opportunities available to students. You can find more information on those here: https://www.memphis.edu/polisci/internships/index.php

I’m interested in Law School. What should I do?

Many of our students are interested in pursuing a career in law. We offer Pre-Law advising and can help you get ready form Law School.

First, check out the PreLaw Handbook available here: https://www.memphis.edu/cas/pre-professional-archive/documents/pre-law-student-guide2017-18.pdf

Also, consider adding a minor in Legal Thought. You can learn more here: https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=22&poid=8263&returnto=1119

What should I minor in?

Well, that’s really up to you. Your minor should both correspond to your interests and career goals. Here is a list of some common minors Political Science students often pursue.

African & African American Studies: Minor: https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5535

Anthropology https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=22&poid=8157

Asian Studies https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5555

Classical Studies https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5576

Criminal Justice https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5584

History https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5627

International Studies https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5638

Philosophy https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5681

Psychology https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=22&poid=8321

Sociology https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5716

Women’s & Gender Studies https://catalog.memphis.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=17&poid=5735

I want to study abroad. How do I do it?

There is an entire division here at the U of M that wants to help you. First, check out the program opportunities available here: https://www.memphis.edu/abroad/programs/

And, once you’ve found the program that looks right for you, contact the study abroad office. https://memphis.studioabroad.com/

When should I file my application for graduation?

Students can apply for graduation up to one year in advance of their planned graduation date, or once they have completed 90 credit hours. Be sure to get your application in prior to the deadline. You can find important dates related to commencement here: https://www.memphis.edu/commencement/apply/deadlines.php

How do I file my intent to graduate? Follow the instructions found here: https://www.memphis.edu/commencement/apply/

If you have additional questions, email polsadvising@memphis.edu