Welcome to the University of Memphis Policies!

The University of Memphis policies apply to faculty, staff, students and visitors of the University. The policies are intended to provide guidance in assisting with compliance of state and federal laws and regulations and provide expectations for conducting University business.

All policies have been migrated to PolicyTech, which now houses all of the University’s policies.  PolicyTech provides the ability to track revisions and maintain a history of any changes.  Policies can now be searched by subject matter, department, document owner or you can do a custom search.  As part of the migration all policies received a new name and number to coincide with the subject matter in which it falls. 

  • Board of Trustees: BT1000
  • General:  GE2000
  • Academic: AA3000
  • Finance:  BF4000
  • Human Resources: HR5000
  • Information Technology: IT6000
  • Research: RE7000
  • Student Affairs: SA8000

To access PolicyTech, click here:  POLICYTECH

Public URLs: It is often desirable to embed links to a specific policy within an email, other websites, or external documents. See instructions here.

Disclaimer: The policies of the University of Memphis are intended only as a guideline and are not a contract or a statement of the conditions of employment. Nothing contained herein is intended to alter The University's right to take the employment action it deems appropriate. These policies are subject to modification at any time by The University.

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