
For our 50th Anniversary in 2024-2025, we have launched the Fifty Forward Fund giving campaign to support our department’s mission of educating the next generation of inspired urban planners and scholars. We are asking alumni and friends to consider giving at least $50 for the 50th -- or any larger amount that includes a 5 and a 0 (say, $500). 

To make a tax-deductible donation, simply click here: https://supportum.memphis.edu/crp50

Or to donate by check, write the check to "University of Memphis Foundation, FUND 20729" and mail it to:
Department of City & Regional Planning
107 Browning Hall, University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152

Or contact us at 901-678-2161 and we'll help you arrange a donation.

Here are the priority needs that we will address with your help.

Lab and Studio Space

Our students learn sophisticated geospatial mapping and analysis techniques, design skills, and 3D rendering. But we need to constantly update our hardware to keep pace with evolving software. And our current lab and studio furnishings are not designed for lab and studio use. 

Student Travel Scholarships

Our student benefit from participation in the state and national conferences of the American Planning Association. A scholarship fund to cover travel and lodging costs would allow more students to participate, increasing our visibility, and creating better networking opportunities.

Community Engagement Support Fund

Many of our classes involve partnerships with grassroots organizations, particularly our studio courses, which generally serve a local client. These community-engaged courses are dependent on community outreach, which requires supplies and refreshment for communities, meetings, travel, etc.

International Student Support (and general GA funding)

In recent years we have seen a tremendous increase in interest from international students. Between 2021 and 2024, our number of international applications increased from 9 to 15 to 21 to 60! Typically, these applicants, can only enroll at the UofM if they receive funding. 

Funded Speaker Series

Funding for an annual speaker series on current trends in community development could increase visibility and provide an enhanced learning experience for students.

Podcast Studio

Out students have expressed interest in converting semi-functional space in our building (a room behind the elevator shaft) into a podcast studio. A small donation could furnish the equipment needed.


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