About the Robert Marchini Scholarship

About Dr. Marchini

Katie and Robert MarchiniDr. Robert Marchini received the Distinguished Teaching Award in 2008. Professor Robert "Bob" Marchini has been teaching at the U of M since 1967. He also served as the undergraduate advisor and laboratory coordinator in his department and advisor for both Sigma Pi Sigma and the Society of Physics Students. He is well known for his "Magic of Physics" demonstrations, in which he uses an assortment of magician-like tricks to illustrate principles of physics.

Dr. Marchini won the University's Distinguished Teaching Award in 1980 and the Thomas W. Briggs Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2001. He has been recognized by the Tennessee Science Teachers Association and the Tennessee Academy of Science for his service to the science teaching community.

One of Dr. Marchini's greatest contributions to the department, according to Department Chair Shah Jahan, is in the number of students he brings into physics. "Fully half of all of our physics students are ones who changed their majors after being taught by Dr. Marchini." Noting that "one can always find students in his office from early to late", Dr. Jahan states that "the passion he brings to the teaching of physics is contagious, and students just want to be part of this great intellectual exercise. He is the "Pied Piper of Physics."

If you are a former student who has been touched by Dr. Marchini, and would like to give in his honor, please follow the instructions below.

To donate to the Robert R Marchini Scholarship, follow these instructions:

  1. Visit the University of Memphis Online Giving Secure Donation webpage.
  2. Select the "College of Arts and Sciences" link.
  3. Select "All CAS Funds" link.
  4. Using the search box for "Marchini", or scroll through the choices until you see the "Robert R Marchini Scholarship in Physics" and select the box next to next to it.
  5. Complete the information required for your donation.

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