Department of Physics 2015 Trivia Night

The Society of Physics Students Presents 

3rd Annual Trivia Night
Wednesday, March 23 2016
6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.

Three categories: Science, Pop Culture and General Knowledge will earn your team prizes of several scientific wonders! Each category will have ten questions; each team of four will have 30 seconds to answer. Fun for all students and families!


  • Two 15 minute poster presentations between each round.
  • Prizes for the first place, second place, and best named teams.
  • Monetary prizes for best poster: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places
  • Raffle tickets are $5 each with no limit for purchases.
  • Pizza, salad, drinks and cookies from Garibaldi's Pizza.
  • Physics demonstrations!



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