
Electric Stimulus-Responsive Chitosan/MNP composite Microbeads for a Drug Delivery System, A Mohapatra, CM Wells, JA Jennings, M Ghimire, SR Mishra, BI Morshed, EEE transactions on bio-medical engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.2911579

Magnetic Stimulus Responsive Vancomycin DDS Based on Chitosan Microbeads Embedded with Magnetic Nanoparticles"
Ankita Mohapatra; Michael A Harris; David Levine; Madhav Ghimire; Jessica A Jennings; Bashir I Morshed; Warren O Haggard; Joel D Bumgardner; Sanjay R Mishra; Tomoko Fujiwara, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, Accepted 2018

Development and Evaluation of an Oral Fast Disintegrating Anti-allergic Film Using Hot-melt Extrusion Technology, Xin Feng, Reena Murthy, K Vanaja, Narasimha Murthy, Manjeet Pimparade, Anh Vo, Dongwuk Kim, Vijay Kulkarni, Joseph Morott, D Neupane, SHIVAKUMAR HN, Sanjay Mishra, Abhijeet Maurya, RroshanTiwari, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 119 (2017)81-90.

Chitosan Microbeads with MNP on Printed Electrodes for Electric Stimulus Responsive Drug Delivery, Ankita Mohapatra, Michael A. Harris, Madhav Ghimire,Jessica A. Jennings,Warren O. Haggard, Warren O. Haggard,Warren O. Haggard, Tomoko Fujiwara, Bashir I. Morshed, Accepted IEEE Medical Measurement and Applications, 2017

Water-soluble Complex Of Curcumin With Cyclodextrins: Enhanced Physical Properties For Ocular Drug Delivery, Doaa Nabih Maria · Sanjay R Mishra, Lijia Wang, Monica M Jablonski, Aug 2016 · Current Drug Delivery

Development of a taste-masked oral suspension of clindamycin HCl using ion exchange resin Amberlite IRP 69 for use in pediatrics.
Alayoubi A, Daihom B, Adhikari H, Mishra S, Helms R, Almoazen H, Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2016 Mar 28:1-11.

Development and physicochemical characterization of clindamycin resinate for taste masking in pediatrics.
Daihom B, Alayoubi A, Ma D, Wang L, Mishra S, Helms R, Almoazen H, Drug Dev Ind Pharm. 2016 Mar 17:1-9.

Bacterial inhibition by chitosan coatings loaded with silver-decorated calcium phosphate microspheres, A. Jenning, J. Bumgardner, and S. R. Mishra, Jessica Amber Jennings, Diego A. Velasquez  Pulgarina, Dom Lal Kunwar, Jegdish Babu, Sanjay Mishra, Joel Bumgardner, Thin Solid Films, Thin Solid Films 596 · August 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2015.08.060

Conjugation of Hot-Melt Extrusion with High-Pressure Homogenization: a Novel Method of Continuously Preparing Nanocrystal Solid Dispersions, Xingyou Ye. Hemlata Patil. Xin Feng, Roshan V. Tiwari, Jiannan Lu, Andreas Gryczke, Karl Kolter, Nigel Langley, Soumyajit Majumdar, Dipesh Neupane, Sanjay R. Mishra, Michael A. Repka, AAPS PharmSciTech, DOI: 10.1208/s12249-015-0389-7Pages: 1-11

 Mefenamic acid taste-masked oral disintegrating tablets with enhanced solubility via molecular interaction produced by hot melt extrusion technology, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, S. M. Alshehri, J. B. Park, R. V. Tiwari, B. Almutairy, A. S. Alshetaili, J. Morott, S. Shah, V. Kulkarni, S. Majumdar, S. T. Martin, S. Mishra, L. Wang, and M. A. Repka, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 27 (2015) 18e27

Electric Stimulus Response of Chitosan Microbeads Embedded with Magnetic Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Delivery, Ankita Mohapatra, Gregory McGraw, Bashir Morshed, Jessica Jennings, Warren Haggard, Joel Bumgardner, and Sanjay Mishra, Submitted, IEEE EMBS Special Topic, 284 - 287 (2014). DOI:10.1109/HIC.2014.7038930

The Roles of Cellular Nanomechanics in Cancer, Murali M. Yallapu, Kalpana Katti, Dinesh R. Katti, Sanjay R. Mishra, Sheema Khan, Meena Jaggi, and Subhash C. Chauhan, Medicinal Research Reviews, 2015 Jan;35(1):198-223. doi: 10.1002/med.21329.

Correlation of residual radical's with three phase morphology of UHMWPE: Analysis for the dependence on heat involved during vitamin E diffusion, Malik Sajjad Mehmood, Benjamin Michael Walters, Tariq Yasin, Manzoor Ahmad, Muhammad Shah Jahan, Sanjay R. Mishra, Masroor Ikram, European Polymer Journal 53 (2014) 13–21

Assessment of residual radicals in g-sterilized shelf-aged UHMWPE stabilized with a-tocopherol, M. S. Mehmood, T. Yasin, M. S. Jahan, S. R. Mishra, B. M. Walters, M. Ahmad, M. Ikrama, Polymer Degradation and Stability 2013 | 98 | 6 | 1256-1263

Development of a Mini-Tablet of Co-Grinded Prednisone–Neusilin Complex for Pediatric Use H. Lou, M. Liu, L. Wang, S. R. Mishra, W. Qu, J. Johnson, E. Brunson, and H. Almoazen, AAPS PharmSciTech (# 2013) DOI: 10.1208/s12249-013-9981-x

Suture pullout strength and in vitro fibroblast and RAW 264.7 monocyte biocompatibility of genipin crosslinked nano-fibrous chitosan mats for guided tissue regeneration. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2012 (Accepted).

The effect of high dose of gamma irradiation on residual radicals concentration in UHMWPE in the presence of vitamin E, M. S. Mehmood, Hafeez Ullah, M. S. Jahan, S. Mishra, B. M. Walters, and M. Ikram, Polymer Science Series A, 54, 343 (2012).

The effect of high dose on residual radicals in open air irradiated α-T UHMWPE resin powder, Mehmood, Malik S.; Shah, Jahan M.; Mishra, Sanjay R.; Walters, Benjamin M. radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 84, p. 100-104.

Effect of molecular weight of chitosan degraded by microwarve irradiation on bone tissue engineering applications, Marvin M. Mecwan, Gabriel E. Rapalo, Sanjay R. Mishra, Warren O. Haggard, Joel D. Bumgardner, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2011; 97A(1): 66-73.

Characterization of Protein Clusters of Diverse Magnetic Nanoparticles and Their Dynamic Interactions with Human Cells; Mu, Qingxin; Li, Zhenwei; Li, Xi; Yang, Lei; Zhang, Bin; Si, Zhikun; Mishra, Sanjay; Jiang, Wei; Yan, Bing; The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 113 (14), pp 5390–5395 (2009).

Effects of material property and heat treatment on nanomechanical properties of Chitosan films, Majid S, Yuan Y, Mishra S, Haggard W and Bumgardner J, J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater, 90(1), 283-9 (2009).

One equivalent electrical Circuit is Applicable to Model the Interface Between the Passive layer on an orthopaedic alloy a biosimulating aquous solution, G. Lewis, R. Vejerla, and Sanjay Mishra, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 17, Issue: 2, 97–108 (2007).

Influence of Changes in the Composition of an Acrylic Bone Cement on its Polymerization Kinetics, Gladius Lewis and Sanjay R. Mishra, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B Applied Biomaterials, (2006).

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Quasi-static and dynamic nanoindentation studies on highly crosslinked ultra-high-weight-polyethylene, K. Park, S. R. Mishra, S. Fan, G. Lewis, J.Y. Rho, J. B. Park and J. Losby, 25/2, J. Biomaterials 2004

Influence of lamella features of UHMWPE on its physical and uniaxial tensile properties. I. Effect of sterilization method in uncrosslinked and unaged materials Sanjay Mishra, Ann Viano, Neil Fore, Gladius Lewis, Asit Ray, J. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 203, 135 (2003)

AFM and nanoindentation characterization of human lamellar bone prepared by microtome sectioning and mechanical polishing technique, Rho, J Y; Xu, J; Mishra, S; Fan, Z, J. Biomedical Materials Research 67A (3) , 719-726 (2003)

Relationship Between Ultrastructure and the Nanoindentation Properties of Intramuscular Herring Bones. J. Y. Rho, S. R. Mishra, K. Chung, J. Bai, and G. M. Pharr, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29, No.12, 1082 (2001).

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