Mohamed Laradji


Manning Hall 207
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Dr. Laradji joined the Department of Physics in 2002. He earned his BS degree in physics from the University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, and earned his MS and PhD degrees in physics at McGill University under the advising of Dr. Martin J. Zuckermann. Dr. Laradji did his postdoctoral research with Dr. David P. Landau at the Center for Simulational Physics of the University of Georgia, and with Dr. Rashmi C. Desai at the Department of Physics of the University of Toronto. Before joining the University of Memphis, Dr. Laradji was an Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada, and Member of Technical Staff at Lucent Technologies. Dr. Laradji is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Dr. Laradji works in the general area of computational soft matter and biological physics, with a focus on studying the thermodynamic, dynamics, and structural properties of biomembranes, polymers and nanocomposites. He has lately been working on elucidating the nature of phase separation and lipid rafts in biomembranes, blebbing of lipid membranes, spontaneous endocytosis of nanoparticles, and polymer-grafted lipid membranes.

Dr. Laradji also worked on variety of other problems including equilibrium and driven transport of polymer solutions, phase separation kinetics in nanoparticles containing polymer blends, spinodal decomposition in multicomponent fluids, and the phase behavior of diblock copolymer melts. Dr. Laradji uses a variety of theoretical and computational methods such as atomisitic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, Monte Carlo, self-consistent field theory, and Langevin dynamics.

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